A note from our Founder Jonny: reflecting on 2022
We are honoured to serve you, and hope that you have had a really great year too!

And just like that 2022 is wrapped! And what a year it’s been – thank you so much to all of our customers for choosing Ticket Tailor. We are honoured to serve you, and hope that you have had a really great year too!
Last week we had our year-end party reflecting and celebrating 2022 as a team. And it really has been amazing (see the round-up below).
BUT, it's impossible to pat ourselves on the back without acknowledging the context in which we operate. Many of us are lucky enough to live in societies that offer the infrastructure, healthcare and education that allow people like me to start businesses. Yet we’ve had some good reminders this year not to take these for granted.
On the day of our year-end party the train drivers were on strike, so we had to find ways of working around that. On the day I'm writing this, the ambulance drivers are on strike, so we are all carrying a subconscious anxiety of "What if someone in my family has an accident today?". And there have been countless days this year where extreme weather events are causing huge problems around the world. The society we take for granted can feel very fragile at times like this.
Starting out 11 years ago, I mistakenly believed that the role of business was all about making money. It's hardly surprising though, because it's also what all the business books say, or the TV shows like The Apprentice or Dragons Den say, or what the media say; constantly celebrating how rich a business has made someone and the lifestyle they can now afford.
Today, I know that our success is not isolated from the context in which we operate. We couldn't do what we do – and more importantly events couldn't happen – without the trains or the ambulances or the safe land with predictable, comfortable weather.
Whether you’re in the UK, US or any of the other 78 countries where our event creators are based, the context is changing and businesses have a bigger responsibility to play if we want to continue to grow and thrive. At the very least it's to pay a fair share of tax (I'm looking at you big tech!), but there's also so much more opportunity, and it's so exciting to think about what's possible.
This year we became a certified B Corp, proudly putting people and planet on an equal footing with profit. We also stand behind the Better Business Act calling on the UK government to change the UK law to ensure every company in the UK aligns their interests with those of wider society and the environment. On top of that we have built charitable giving into our business model with over £100k donated this year. But this is just the start and we’re so excited to see where we can take this. We call it “Growth on Purpose” and we hope that Ticket Tailor can be the change we want to see.
A huge thank you from the whole team for choosing Ticket Tailor!
Here’s to 2023,
Jonny, Founder & CEO.
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