Mahamudra: Awakening in the Silence - Introduction and Practice – Seminar & Pension Göschensgut

Fri 8 Nov 2024 6:00 PM - Sun 10 Nov 2024 4:00 PM
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For your registration until Sep 24, 2024 €415.00 €11.73

For former participants €275.00 €7.67

€460.00 €13.04

For former participants €325.00 €9.12

For students/underemployed persons (with ID) €390.00 €11.01

Your donation goes to the tax-free organisation GAY-TANTRA e.V. // You can set the donation amount individually

Subtotal 0.00

To be totally intimate with yourself.
To be aware of yourself in all aspects.
To be close to yourself and your innermost being, tenderly, lovingly.
Awakening towards Your Self.

'Mahamudra' refers to the practice of silent meditation in the Tantric tradition.

In silence, recognize who you are, where you come from, where you are going, and what your purpose is
: shell-less, without any fuss. Remain in this and stay with yourself. All your attention is now focused on the presence of this moment in perfect harmony with yourself.

'Mahamudra' (Sanskrit) literally means 'The Great Gesture' or 'The Last Gesture' in the sense of 'the last gesture that is possible - after that there is no more'. So it means just being completely there: no before - no after: Just 'NOW'.

Let Armin Heining, a master of meditation practice (since 1984) and SkyDancing-Tantra Teacher (since 1992) guide you step by step to this presence through the varied program and learn over 12 meditation periouds a day that ecstasy and happiness deepen through immersion and accompany you daily on your path.

Course and Contents:
After arriving, dinner with talk and sharing and the first meditation session the silence begins lasting till the last day. Outside silence supports the inner silence and the practice of silent meditation.

Guided by a simple daily schedule the daily routine starts at 7.00 h with "Dynamic Meditation" to release stress, tensions and the chatter of the mind.

Around 12 periouds of silent sitting meditation change with meditative walking during the day.

Gentle bodywork, lectures, singing, recession of tantric texts, manual work, single discussions and a discussion to the conclusion, round the retreat off.

Organizational Details

"Mahamudra - Ecstasy in Silence" takes place at Seminar House & Pension 'Göschensgut', Schillerstraße 27, 04668 Grimma/Hohnstädt.
The newly completed seminar house (no pictures on the website yet) is quietly located in the countryside, 30 km southeast of Leipzig. From Leipzig main station the train takes you to Grimma in 35 minutes. From there 10 minutes by cab to the seminar house.

All of the days will start at 7 am with an active meditation to prepare for the day and end - with longer and shorter breaks during the days - at 9:30 pm. The retreat ends on Wednesday about 4 pm.

We will stay overnight in the seminar house and will be catered with vegetarian half board. The fee probably per day/person is € 85 if staying in a Multi-Beedroom (3 persons), € 99 in a Double- or € 110 if staying in a Double as Single-Bed Room (all rooms with private bathroom). Included are all additional costs as well as the use of the spacious seminar room.

Pre-requisite for Participation:
Anyone who is introduced in silent meditation can join, all to Tantra introduced with group experience and people who know Armin Heining personally from a seminar. If you are unsure please contact Armin.