HMS MORRIS – Acapela Studio

Thu 31 Oct 2024 8:00 PM - 10:30 PM GMT
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HMS Morris are an art-rock group from Wales. They’ve been touring and recording since 2015, and are supported by the Cardiff-based Bubblewrap Collective. 

Their 2 full-length albums to date (2016’s ‘Interior Design’ and 2018’s ‘Inspirational Talks’) both earned nominations for the Welsh Music Prize, and were variously described as ‘Innovative, forward thinking pop music’ (Earthly Pleasures), ‘strange and beautiful music’ (ElectronicSound) and a ‘multi-dimensional sound that traipses across hitherto unexplored regions ofsound’ (Clash)’. Their third album, Dollar Lizard Money Zombie is a playful repudiation of the worldview that reduces 99% of us to brain dead money zombies, labouring for the glory of the empires of a few giant dollar lizards. 

It is the first HMS album to feature Billy Morley and Iestyn Huw Jones on guitar and drums, and ranges from 50s cowboy sweetness to electro-metal madness, from rambling acoustic prog to the tightest of synth-pop ditties.

Grŵp celf-roc o yw HMS Morris sydd wedi wedi bod yn teithio ac yn recordio ers 2015, ac yn rhan o deulu Bubblewrap Collective o Gaerdydd.

Enillodd eu dau albwm cyntaf enwebiadau ar gyfer y Wobr Gerddoriaeth Gymreig, ‘Interior Design’ 2016 a ‘Inspirational Talks’ yn 2018, a maent wedi cael eu disgrifio fel ‘cerddoriaeth bop arloesol, flaengar’ (Earthly Pleasures), ‘cerddoriaeth rhyfedd a hardd' (ElectronicSound) a 'sain aml-ddimensiwn sy'n ymlwybro ar draws ardaloedd o sain sydd heb eu harchwilio' (Clash)'. Mae eu trydydd albwm, Dollar Lizard Money Zombie yn ymwadiad chwareus o'r byd-olwg sy'n troi 99% ohonom i zombies arian sy'n. gweithio i ymerodraethau madfallod doleri. 

Dyma'r albwm cyntaf i gynnwys Billy Morley ac Iestyn Huw Jones ar y gitâr a’r drymiau, ac mae’n amrywio o felyster cowboi y 50au i wallgofrwydd electro-metel, o’r prog acwstig crwydrol i synth-pop hyfryd.