T&P GERMANY 2024 - true or false - – Nature Community

Sun 25 Aug 2024 2:00 PM - Fri 30 Aug 2024 3:30 PM
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Ticket-Category "Financially Stable". The Ticket is 450,- Euros, the Deposit 200,- Euros €200.00 €0.00

Ticket-Category "Financially Comfortable". The Ticket is 590,- Euros, the Deposit 250,- Euros €250.00 €0.00

Ticket-Category "Financially Abundant". The Ticket is 840,- Euros, the Deposit 340,- Euros €340.00 €0.00

Your optional contribution is greatly appreciated and supports the Touch&Play organization and the funds for subsidized tickets.

Subtotal 0.00


When am I really myself?

What do you truly desire?

How can we connect on a deeper level?

Welcome to Touch&Play Germany 2024

For the sixth time we will dance and play at Nature Community, a plush all inclusive retreat center southeast of Germany, surrounded by lush nature and hosted by a community that supports our practice.

Over six days we’ll be offering the space to explore and expand the Touch&Play culture through dance, somatic practices and other creative forms of relating to each other, ourselves and the world.

We start our gathering by ensuring a common ground through an opening circle and consent work. Once people feel more grounded and connected they have the opportunity to dive into deeper and more experimental forms of connection.

Every day we are starting together with a meeting, followed by a variety of facilitated intensive workshops and single classes around Contact Improvisation, Movement & Dance, Conscious Sexuality, Sensation, Power and Role Play…, to give an idea of the direction. This year's program is not yet curated. Once ready, it will be published on our website.

We’ll make sure this year there are also some free slots to breathe, integrate, connect further or to, perhaps, offer something you’re excited about to the community.


This years Theme

True or false

“When am I really myself?” “What do you truly desire?” “How can we connect on a deeper level?”

Authenticity is a confusing labyrinth. What seems shallow at first may reveal profound truths, while the seemingly genuine can turn out to be a mere facade. So is the unperformed always already performed? What does it mean to “fake it until you make it”? And if all the world’s a stage - how to enjoy the show without falling into the traps of harmful illusions?

Join us at this year's Touch&Play Germany as we explore the interplay between honesty and make-believe. Pack your masks and costumes as well as your guidebooks on authentic relating as we try to peek behind the curtains of life’s infinite theatre stages!

Pricing Info

In order to complete your registrations two steps are needed.

1. Buy your festival ticket here (you will pay a deposit now and pay the rest of the festival ticket in cash at the check in)

2. Reserve and pay your accommodation&meals on this link

Festival Ticket

The festival tickets are ranging between 450,- / 590,- / 840,- Euros, depending on your financial situation.

For people who are financially strained or coping we reserved a limited number for tickets available on request for 280,- and 350,-. Please fill in our T&P Financial Support Application for requesting those.

Reserve your Festival Ticket here (via Ticket Tailor) with a DEPOSIT. The rest of the ticket cost will be paid at the door with cash.

Optional contribution: During registration there is an option of add a volunteer contribution. We want to make this event accessible as well as value our dedication to this project. The ticket covers the essential costs of organizing the retreat. The amount you choose to contribute as sliding scale is helping to keep putting our energy into Touch&Play project as well as allow us to make the retreat more accessible by supporting the provision of subsidized tickets to those who may need them. We are grateful for your contribution.

Accommodation & Meals

The prices include food (vegan buffet, three times a day, midnight snacks, coffee -for breakfast- and tea) for the whole festival time (So-Fr) amounting 210,- Euros (42,- Euros a day).

Depending on what kind of rooms you choose, the total around for accommodation and food is:

  • Single room: 645 €

  • Double room: 495 €

  • 3-/4-bed-room: 445 €

  • Multi-bed room without linen: 395 €

  • Mattress in dormitory: 345 €

  • Motorhome – campsite: 345 €

  • Tent campsite: 320 €

→ You need to BOOK ROOM & BOARD HERE via an external platform, extra to the festival ticket.

It’s possible to receive a reduction of 100,- Euro (20,-/day) for work-exchange (support preparing breakfast, midnight-snack, doing dishes, etc.). If you are interested in this, reach out to events@nature-community.de.

Notes to take into consideration

Arrive on time: The gathering is a 6 day event. Unlike a festival this is not something you can drop into as and when. Please when booking make sure you can arrive on time at the beginning of the event. You are expected to stay until the end. In case you need/want to leave earlier, we ask that you have a check in with the organisers. We respect the container we are creating for the well-being of all. Thank you

Is this event for me? Even though Touch&Play is about "Exploring the Relational Body" in its widest sense: emotionally, societally, spiritually – touch is a central part of it. Expect joining an intimate body event. It is suitable for those who have the ability to self regulate their emotions and are comfortable with and have some understanding of sex+ environments. If you are dealing with significant levels of trauma (specifically sexual or relational) or PTSD this may not be the event for you. Find more questions and answers around what this is all about and what it is not in our Introduction to T&P & FAQ

Schedule subject to change: Touch&Play Germany organisers reserve the right to change or make adjustments to the teaching team or schedule if necessary at any given time and at short notice. Thank you for your understanding. Additionally, the organization reserves the right of admission for potential. This policy helps maintain safer and inclusive space for all participants. Your understanding in this matter is greatly appreciated.


MORE INFO: https://germany.touchandplay.org/