Pedair – Acapela Studio

Thu 28 Nov 2024 8:00 PM - 10:30 PM GMT
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Pedair, feminine form of 'pedwar' ('four' in Welsh) draws on the talents of four of Wales' most prominent and award-winning folk artists: Gwenan Gibbard, Gwyneth Glyn, Meinir Gwilym and Siân James. Groundbreaking international artists in their own right, all four thrive on collaboration and the thrill of live performance. Together they bring to life traditional material with new arrangements on harps, guitars, piano and percussion.

Their live performances have captured the imaginations and hearts of audiences with their sweeping harmonies, fresh interpretations of the Welsh folk tradition, and intimacy of songwriting.

Bringing together their unique gifts as song-tellers, they source material and inspiration from the poetic, oral and folk traditions of Wales and beyond. This is coupled with their deftness as songwriters, responding to the current state of the world and the resilience of nature, with a particular interest in giving voice to the woman.

Their first recordings, having emerged during lockdown, gained instant popularity, unexpectedly becoming a source of comfort and hope to many (including Pedair themselves!) With their much-anticipated debut album, ‘Mae ’na Olau’, released by Sain in 2022, receiving the ‘Albym Cymraeg y Flwyddyn’ (Welsh Album of the Year Award at the National Eisteddfod in 2023, Pedair's creative synergy is only beginning to reach its full potential.

Mae Pedair yn dwyn ynghŷd dalentau pedair o artistiaid gwerin arobryn amlycaf Cymru: Gwenan Gibbard, Gwyneth Glyn, Meinir Gwilym a Siân James. A'r pedair yn artistiaid rhyngwladol blaengar eu hunain, maent yn ffynnu wrth gydweithio a pherfformio'n fyw. Gyda'i gilydd dônt â bywyd newydd i ddeunydd traddodiadol gyda threfniannau newydd ar delynau, gitârs a phiano.

Mae eu perfformiadau byw wedi cydio yn nychymyg a chalonnau cynulleidfaoedd, gyda'u harmonîau ysgubol, ymdriniaeth grefftus o'r traddodiad, ac agosatrwydd y caneuon maent yn eu cyfansoddi.

Gan gyfuno eu doniau unigryw fel chwedl-ganwyr, maent yn tynnu eu deunydd o'r traddodiad barddol a llafar, yn ogystal â gwerin. Mae hynny'n cyfuno'n naturiol gyda'u crefft fel cantorion-gyfansoddwyr medrus, a'u caneuon gwreiddiol yn ymateb i gyflwr presennol y byd, gwytnwch byd natur, a chyda phwyslais arbennig ar roi llais i'r ferch.

Gwelodd eu recordiadau cyntaf olau dydd yn ystod y cyfnod clo, a buan y daeth eu caneuon yn hynod boblogaidd, ac yn ffynhonnell cysur a gobaith annisgwyl i nifer o bobol (yn cynnwys Pedair eu hunain!) Rhyddhawyd eu halbym cyntaf, 'Mae' na olau', ar label Sain yn 2022, ac ers hynny mae asiad creadigol Pedair yn mynd o nerth i nerth. Yn Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Llyn ac Eifionydd eleni, enillodd yr albym wobr 'Albym Cymraeg y Flwyddyn'.