Ryan Rieder - Atlanta Mastermind with Les Brown, Dr Gilles Lamarche & Dr Fab Mancini – Hyatt Regency Atlanta Perimeter at Villa Christina

Fri 26 Jul 2024 9:00 AM - Sat 27 Jul 2024 3:00 PM
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𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐲 𝐁𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐓𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐭 - SAVE $600 (Sold Out)
$195.00 + $0.00 booking fee
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$395.00 + $0.00 booking fee
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Join Dr. Ryan Rieder and Special Guest Les Brown for 2 Days in Atlanta and...

Discover How To Grow & Scale Your Business FAST and PROFITABLY In Todays New Economy. You'll Not Only Learn How To Attract Floods of New "Big Spender" Patients Into Your Practice But Also How To Make Your Practice "Scale-Ready" By Leveraging Systems, Processes and Automation. 

You'll Get To Mix With Some Of The Busiest Practices On The Planet and Be Part Of An Elite Environment At This Transformative LIVE Event. 


About Ryan's 2-Day Mastermind: 


Dear Friend,

Despite the constant stream of bad news about the economy we hear every time we switch on the TV … the opportunity for Chiropractors like us to GROW our businesses has never been bigger.

In fact, I just read a paper that showed a 57% increase in Chiropractic patient numbers in just 3 years.

But despite the industry’s growth, the average Chiropractor in the US earns just $70,720. And that’s before you cut a fat check to the IRS.

Fortunately, you don’t have to settle for ‘average’.

Because once you understand how to leverage the new wave of marketing strategies my clients have been successfully using to grow their offices … you too can build a business that enables you to help more patients and be paid well for it.

But if you’re still using the same strategies since before the world went mad in 2020, I’ve got bad news for you:

You’re going to be left behind.

But there’s a marketing shift that has ‘in the know’ docs seeing:

  • Packed waiting rooms (I’ve had docs telling me they’ve had to start a waitlist … because they LITERALLY can’t handle any more clients).
  • Record breaking months in terms of profit … every single month!
  • Way easier sales conversations … because their patients WANT to work with them.
  • Predictable cashflow and cash reserves that allow them to make better decisions and plan for the future.

None of this happened overnight, of course. But when you join me on March 15th & 16th 2024, I’m going to reveal the exact tactics and strategies my clients have used to add 6 figures to their bottom line in less than 60 days.

I’ll be covering key topics like:

  • Marketing - Let me hand you the 5 most effective strategies my clients are using RIGHT NOW to attract floods of New Patients
  • Finance - Discover how to master your numbers and wave goodbye to financial stress … for good!
  • Hiring - Including how to attract ‘A Players’ who will grow your business FOR you
  • Sales - Selling doesn’t have to feel ‘icky’ … I’ll show you how to make your patients buy without being ‘salesy’

If you’re not happy settling for ‘average’. You can’t afford to miss this event.


Why Mastermind?

I was having lunch with a bunch of hugely successful Docs from across the US when I was invited to speak at Dr Tim Young’s event recently, and when I asked the question “What’s the best thing you ever did to grow your offices?” … there was one phrase that came up AGAIN and AGAIN:

“The Right People”

  • Hiring the right people…

  • Spending time with the right people…

  • Learning from the right people…

  • Being mentored by the right people…

The fact is, it doesn't matter how many books you read … how many YouTube videos you watch … how many etc etc etc …

NOTHING beats meeting the right people to help you RAPIDLY scale your business.

That’s what makes the Mastermind format so invaluable. Not only are you going to be learning the most powerful new strategies to grow your office … you’re going to spend time with your peers who’ve been exactly where you are right now, and have dealt with the same issues plaguing your business right now.



Live Mastermind Hosted By: RYAN RIEDER


With 10 years experience running chiropractic offices Dr Ryan (DC) grew his own business to become one of the largest Chiropractic clinic groups in Europe (9 Offices) that served thousands of patients every single week and generated 10,000 new patients per annum. Using everything he has learnt in the past 10 years; Dr Ryan (DC) now dedicates his time to helping 100's of chiropractic business owners across the world grow their practices by over 6 figures.

With HUGE Special Guest Speakers: LES BROWN!


As one of the world’s most renowned motivational speakers, Les Brown is a dynamic personality and highly-sought-after resource in business and professional circles for Fortune 500 CEOs, small business owners, non-profit and community leaders from all sectors of society looking to expand opportunity. For three decades he has not only studied the science of achievement, he’s mastered it by interviewing hundreds of successful business leaders and collaborating with them in the boardroom translating theory into bottom-line results for his clients. You will get to listen and learn from Les LIVE in the room! 

And Dr Gilles Lamarche!


Dr. Gilles LaMarche is a chiropractor, educator, passionate healer, accomplished author, professional speaker, and inspiring certified personal development / executive coach. Dr. LaMarche found his calling as a healer when at the age of twelve he was taken to a chiropractor after years spent as an “unwell” child. His only expectation was that a chiropractor might help him resume regular activities without pain; little did he know that one meeting would change the course of his life. His high-volume principled practice was home to more than 750,000 office visits over 25 years. He currently serves as Vice President of University Advancement and Enrolment at Life University, in Marietta, GA.

And Dr Fab Mancini!


Dr. Fabrizio Mancini is a renowned health and lifestyle expert with over 30 years of experience as a wholistic health provider, author, and speaker. He has inspired audiences worldwide through his media appearances on shows like "Dr. Phil," "The Doctors,” “CNN News” and "FOX News," as well as “Univision”, “Telemundo” and “Televisa”. His engaging lectures have transformed audiences in most States and over 25 countries. Dr. Fab is an international best-selling author of books such as "The Power of Self-Healing" and "Chicken Soup for The Chiropractic Soul.” He is the host of his radio show with Hay House “Self-Healing with Dr. Fab”, his Podcast “The Fab Life” and his TV Series “Thriving in the New Normal”.


Is It Worth Attending? Here's What Your Peers Said:

''The event has been brilliant, I loved it and I will definitely be coming back!'' - Dr. Dane Jacks

''I love the masterminds because it is an opportunity to really look at your business, look at how everything is working and mix with other people who are on the same journey''
- Dr. Donald Francis

''I have been to quite a few of Ryan's events and I always come around with one piece of knowledge that can have a huge impact on the practice''
- Dr. Lou Edwards

''The biggest inspiration is the amount of people here on their way to 1 million dollar practices''
- Dr. Lindsay Mcinnis

''I found out about Ryan from word of mouth, speaking to friends who have their own clinics who are so successful and have grown their practice by 100%, so I was like - 'Ok I need to try this guy out' and I don't regret it'' - Jessica Martin

''Why would you not join? I don't understand why you wouldn't join Ryan, everything he teaches is just awesome and it keeps you focused, keeps you going in the right direction. I have learnt so much and we have grown so much in the last 6 months'' - Jemma Firth

''Today has been obsoletely unbelievable - Ryan has covered so many different topics and a lot of them have really blown my mind! 'The main value I have got from Ryan's teachings is to really really thing bigger. and he has expanded my mind on a lot of issues all across the Chiropractic Space'' Dr. Jack Gilbert

''I would 100% say go for it! Starting up a new business we would not have known so much of what we now know. From social media to finances, just the whole running of a Chiropractic business, it has been incredible!'' - Laura Benmayor


The Venue

When: Friday 26th & Saturday 27th July 2024

Where: Hyatt Regency Atlanta Perimeter at Villa Christina, 4000 Summit Boulevard, Atalanta, Georgia, 30319

*Purchasing a ticket will give you access to our discount link to book a room at the venue*


Secure Your Seat

Right now, you’ve got 2 options:

Option #1. Close this page, tell yourself you’ll attend an event some other time, and carry on with business as usual.

That’s the option the majority of Docs will take, and that’s why they’ll be in the exact same position 12 months from now.

Option #2. Book your place today and watch your business EXPLODE.

The question you need to ask yourself is:

“Am I completely happy with how my business is right now?”

Because if the answer’s no, you need to join me on 26th & 27th of July and grab your ticket before this event SELLS OUT.

I can’t wait to see you there,

- Dr Ryan.