WUN For ALL - Self Advocacy – How to Back Yourself – Zoom

Wed 11 Sep 2024 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM BST
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This WUN For ALL  will be focused on the topic of Self Advocacy – How to Back Yourself. We will explore:

    • Our Inner Environment and the impact of our beliefs and self-talk – how we can silence our negative gremlins
    • Our External Environment and how we can influence and control our environment – how we can establish boundaries and manage our triggers
    • This will be a topic and discussion led by us, interwoven with our experiences and expertise as coaches, with breakout sessions for those who attend to give time for personal exploration, discussion, and trying out techniques
    • All those who attend will be placed in a draw to win a free 1 hour coaching session with 4 sessions up for grabs (1 hour with one of our coaches)

Led by WUN Associates.

Lisa Robyn Wood, Grip Coaching Ltd.

Juliet Summers, Karen Boyd & Kate Hughes, Inner Talent 

Speaker Biography

Lisa Robyn Wood

The Middle Manager Coach, GRIP Coaching Limited.

Being a Manager Shouldn’t Be Sh*t.

I grew my career within the energy sector, enjoying several management positions across a range of departments including customer services, process improvement, contract management, and finance, before being promoted to a senior middle management role within metering operations. This promotion triggered imposter syndrome which motivated me to employ a personal coach.

Coaching reconnected me with my confidence, self-belief, and value, and this strengthened relationship with myself enabled me to progress my career into areas I would not have felt capable of attempting prior to my experience. It is this power that I’m on a mission to share with as many managers and leaders as I can in my own coaching practice as The Middle Manager Coach.

I don’t think being a manager should be sh*t and so I work with middle managers, who work in the most pressured and conflicted layer in any business, to embrace their roles with energy and enjoyment, to get a grip of their personal development and growth, and connect with their confidence and capabilities, to ensure that they thrive and don’t get caught in the crap trap.

I help individuals and organisations to make effective and healthy management a reality for themselves, their people, and their business, by providing 1-2-1 coaching and training for their middle managers and teams.

I have been privileged to work with multiple managers and leaders across a range of organisations, including Viridor, Floodre, Suntory, HSBC, Camelot, Burberry, and Swarovski, as well as small businesses and entrepreneurs.

I’m qualified in Corporate & Executive Coaching, Personal Performance Coaching, NLP, and DISC; all through The Coaching Academy and with each diploma accredited by the ICF.

I currently split my time between the Kent coast and Cape Town in South Africa with my husband Dom and our Springer Spaniel Alfie.

Juliet Summers 

Director & Lead Coach, Owner of Inner Talent

Juliet brings her corporate career in the retail and utility industries and insight in HR, talent management and leadership to enable individuals and organisations to succeed through professional coaching and leadership development facilitation. She has led talent departments, strategy and teams alongside coaching, mentoring and supporting the development, progression and career transition of many individuals. She is highly skilled in coaching across the talent pipeline, especially supporting women through their career transitions. An ICF ACC credentialled coach who specialises in transformational coaching across career, leadership, confidence and life. Clients have described Juliet as, ‘Insightful, supportive, inspirational, empathetic and positive.’ When she’s not coaching or facilitating workshops, you’ll find her raising two boys and running which is one of her other passions!

Karen Boyd

Partner Coach, Inner Talent.

Karen is an accredited career and mental fitness coach on a mission to make work happiness the norm, not the exception. She has an extensive corporate background and is experienced in coaching leaders from a range of companies and sectors including many of the UK FTSE 250.

Karen is passionate about helping clients boost confidence and overcome their challenges so they can thrive at work, whether this means making a tweak or a significant change. Through coaching, she empowers leaders and teams to unlock their potential and create careers with more impact, meaning and joy.

Clients describe her coaching style as perceptive, supportive, challenging, and resourceful. Results-focus coupled with a caring, intuitive nature is a winning combination.

She holds Executive Coach accreditation by the Association for Coaching (AC), an Advanced Coaching Diploma and is certified in Positive Psychology.

​Aside from coaching, Karen’s favourite ways to spend time are great food with friends, travelling the world with her husband and kids, and cold-water sea swims.

Kate Hughes

Partner Coach, Inner Talent.

Kate is a coach, mentor and facilitator who thrives in helping people make the transition from individual contributor to inspirational leader. Following her own skills gap challenge during her move to her first leadership position and finding huge success with her own coach and mentor, Kate continued as a leader of high-performing communication teams for a further 15 years before joining a leading management consultancy specialising in people performance and development.

Kate qualified as a coach with Animas Centre for Coaching and holds practitioner status with the EMCC.

Her style is described by clients as engaging, compassionate, safe and provocative. When not working Kate can be found facing the (sometimes) fun challenges of raising her 12-year-old daughter, while attempting to train two unruly Labradors.