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Course Code: 0200-001-19-W
Course Format: Instructor Led
- None
The Computer Workshop writes their own curriculum for Excel making it easy to customize a class specific to your needs. Many think they are past the basics, but our course has many valuable shortcuts and quick data entry methods built in to give you a good foundation. So even if you have used Excel for a number of years, it is worth taking the Level 1 class. Our course will make ordinary tasks much easier for you to accomplish, and in much less time.
At Course Completion:
Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to customize the interface to better suit your needs, create lists, efficiently develop Excel worksheets and workbooks, use basic excel function formulas, apply formatting to content, create customize number formats, control how spreadsheets are printed, as well as be able to find and replace content.
Lesson 1: Getting Started
- About Excel
- Starting Excel
- Using the Shortcut on the Desktop
- Using the Taskbar
- Using the Start Menu
- Using the Search
- Excel Elements
- Interface Elements
- Worksheet Elements
- The Ribbon
- The Ribbon Tabs
- Mini Toolbar and Shortcut Menu
- Using a Mini Toolbar and Shortcut Menu
- Quick Access Toolbar (QAT)
- Customizing the Ribbon
- Creating a Custom Tab
- Opening and Viewing Workbooks
- Opening an Existing Workbook
- Opening a Recent Workbook
- Opening Multiple Workbooks
- Opening a Workbook from Earlier Excel Versions
- Viewing Opened Workbooks
- Protected View
- Cursor Movement
- Using the Keyboard
- Using the Mouse
- Selecting Cells
- Selecting a Single Cell
- Selecting a Cell Range
- Selecting a Row or Column
- Selecting a Range of Rows or Columns
- Selecting a Range of Adjacent Data
- Selecting Noncontiguous Ranges
- Selecting an Entire Worksheet
- Deselecting Cells
- Saving A Workbook
- File Names and Extensions
- File Formats
- Saving a New Workbook/Renaming an Existing Workbook
- Saving an Existing Workbook
- Workbook Conversion and Compatibility
- Compatibility Checker
- Converting a Workbook from an
- Earlier Version of Excel
- Closing a Workbook
Lesson 2: Creating a Workbook
- Creating a Workbook
- Document Properties
- The Four Types of Document Properties
- Accessing the Document Properties
- Custom Properties
- Viewing and Creating Custom Properties
- Searching for Files Using Properties
- Entering Information
- Auto Fill
- Custom Lists
- Flash Fill
- Editing Cells
- Entering Numbers
Lesson 3: Introduction to Formulas
- Creating a Formula
- Creating a Function Formula
- AutoSum
- Formula Errors
- Cell Addressing
- Inspecting Documents
- Inspecting the Document
Lesson 4: Formatting a Worksheet
- Inserting Rows and Columns
- Inserting Cells
- Deleting Rows, Columns, & Cells
- Undo and Redo
- Changing Column Width
- Changing Row Height
- Font Formatting
- Aligning Text
- Cell Formatting
- Formatting Numbers
- Moving Cells
- Copying Cells
- Clipboard
- Using the Clipboard
- Clearing the Clipboard
- Format Painter
- Cell Styles
- Clear Command
- Themes
- Parts of a Theme
- Applying a Theme
- Customizing Theme Elements
- Saving A Custom Theme
- Hiding Columns and Rows
Lesson 5: Viewing, Page Layout and Printing
- Excel Views
- Normal View
- Page Layout View
- Page Break Preview
- Changing Views
- Show/Hide Options
- Print Preview
- Headers and Footers
- Adding a Header
- Adding a Footer
- Page Setup
- Margins
- Orientation
- Size
- Print Area
- Breaks
- Background
- Print Titles
- Sheet Options
- Printing/Viewing Gridlines and Headings
- Changing the Page Order
- Scale to Fit
- Scaling to Fit
- Printing
Lesson 6: Proofing and Editing
- Checking Spelling
- Using Spell Check
- AutoCorrect and AutoComplete
- Adding Entries to AutoCorrect
- Find
- Using Find Options
- Replace
- Smart Lookup
- Using the Smart Lookup