Summer Butterfly & Bird Walk – Heartwood at High Leas Farm

Sat 19 Jul 2025 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
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Come and join for a summer wander around our wildflower rich meadows as we look for many butterflies that call the farm home.

Our guided butterfly walks over the last two years have seen us enjoy brilliant views of several stunning species including Dark-Green Fritillary, Common Blue, Wall Brown, Small & Large Skippers, migrant Painted Ladies and good numbers of Small Copper amongst lots of commoner butterflies such as Meadow Brown, Gatekeeper, Speckled Wood, Peacock, Red Admiral and Ringlet.

Whilst keeping our eyes open for butterflies we will also be looking for the fantastic range of bird life that use the farm. Both our resident and migrant species will be coming to the end of their breeding seasons with the latter, including our stunning Redstarts and Flycatchers, feeding young and fattening themselves up ready for the southward migration in early Autumn. Young raptors will be on the wing by now too, their noisy food begging betraying their presence in the woods and hedgerows and with a bit of luck we may see four or five species during our walk.

We’ll be walking at the fabulous High Leas Farm, Riber – this exciting regenerative farming hub with its fantastic mix of woodland, grassland, hedgerows and scrub is the perfect place to enjoy a great variety of butterfly and bird life. 

Meet at 9:15am for a 9:30 start. The walk will last around 3 hours. 

Please dress appropriately for the weather and wear sturdy footwear.  We will be walking on mown paths but over potentially uneven terrain.