Lac du Bonnet Ice Fishing Derby – Town Dock

Sat Feb 22, 2025 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
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Regular Price Adult Admission $85.00 $0.00

Youth Admission - 15 years and under $35.00 $0.00

2nd Hole available with the purchase of an Adult or Youth ticket $35.00 $0.00

82 remaining As a spectator, you can still be part of the fun, enjoy the lively atmosphere, and take in all the exciting activities without the need to fish yourself! $10.00 $0.00

2 Adult + 3 Youth $240.00 $0.00
Subtotal 0.00

The Lac du Bonnet Ice Fishing Derby is an iconic winter event that has etched its name into Manitoba's outdoor recreational history. Held annually on the frozen surface of the Winnipeg River, this celebrated fishing derby has become a beloved tradition, bringing together anglers and winter enthusiasts from near and far. With its unwavering commitment to reinvest profits back into our community, the derby stands as a testament to the enduring spirit of the community and its love for the great outdoors.

MISSION STATEMENT | OUR PURPOSE, WHY WE EXIST. The Lac du Bonnet Ice Fishing Derby is a non-profit organization raising funds for community groups in Lac du Bonnet and surrounding areas through a fun, family-oriented event that promotes Lac du Bonnet as a four-season playground.

VISION STATEMENT | WHAT WE ARE STRIVING TO CREATE. Our vision is to become Manitoba’s premiere non-profit ice fishing derby for the benefit of our community.