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The Livery Climate Action Group Conference 2024 will tackle ‘Planning for a Resilient Future’.
Join us to celebrate our 3rd Anniversary and coordinating over 100 Livery Companies as Members
- The Rt Hon the Lord Mayor, Alderman Professor Michael Mainelli, will open the day
- Allan Barton will pose the challenges
- Panels of distinguished professionals will discuss future steps in: WATER, ENERGY, BIO-DIVERSITY and SKILLS
- Prof. Thom Waite, UK Deputy Chief Medical Officer on health and climate change
- Dr Emma Howard-Boyd will share the key points from her hot-off-the-press The London Climate Resilience Review
- Pollinating London Together, The Institute of Physics and The Institution of Environmental Sciences will present informative displays
- 6 schools/colleges will present their ideas in poster displays and Walsall Academy will speak on their work as highlighted by the BBC.
Enjoy a light lunch at 12.30, with tea and cake and celebratory champagne and canapes to conclude.
Early bird ticket price £70 (available until Monday 9th September 2024)
Standard ticket price £90
Refund policy: the organizer will review refund requests on a case-by-case basis.
Complete details of the conference programme will be published nearer the date.
Supported by The Worshipful Companies of the Mercers, Merchant Taylors and Haberdashers and The Institute of Couriers