Outdoor Explorers – St. Osyth Priory

Wed 11 Sep 2024 10:00 AM - Wed 16 Jul 2025 12:00 PM
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Our parent and toddler group exploring nature and the Priory Estate with a Level 3 Forest School Practitioner. 

Develop fine and gross motor skills through play and outdoor exploration. 

Use creative play and imagination in the mud kitchen and enjoy a selection of crafts and story time to develop language and interaction with others.

A snack is provided as well as refreshments for the adults.

Running 10am - 12noon throughout term time. 

Tickets must be purchased for 4 weeks at a time. The 4 sessions can be used at any time and do not have to run consecutively. e.g. if a week is missed due to illness, you will be in credit for the following session.

Sessions will run no matter what the weather, please wear suitable clothing. Puddle suits and wellies are recommended for little ones. We do our best to make the activities as safe a possible and mitigate risk. If you would like a copy of our Risk Assessment please email admin@prioryeducationcentre.co.uk  Parents/careers remain responsible for the children in their care at all times while on the site and in the car park.