Women and goddesses in the Mabinogi – Zoom

Sun Sep 8, 2024 5:00 PM - Sun Oct 13, 2024 7:00 PM PDT
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Come be in the class!

This class has started, but you can join until 25th September,
using the notes and recordings to catch up.

This class is offered on a tiered, PAY-WHAT-YOU-CAN basis.
Click "Buy Tickets" to see choices.

Dates: 8th, 15th, [break], 29th September; 6th, 13th October.
Time: Sundays at 5 pm Pacific/8 pm Eastern/ (1 am Monday UK)

We will explore the Four Branches of the Mabinogi, concentrating on the treatment of women, the male/female balance of power, mythological background, symbolism, and the possible intent of the compilers of the medieval text. This class is a great entry point for studying the Mabinogi or for taking your first class with me - but I think it will also be of interest to those who know this material better.

Class outline:

Week 1
The First Branch
The Lady of Annwfn
The Lady of Gwent

Week 2
The Second Branch

Week 3
The Third Branch

Week 4

The Fourth Branch

Week 5
The Fourth Branch continued
Final Discussion

What to expect from this class:
Weekly online class includes my presentations, Q&A sessions, moderated discussions. Classes usually last around 90 minutes.

Access to class recording if you need it. (Recordings may not always include class discussions, but will always include all presentations.) I strongly encourage you to attend the Zoom sessions as much as you can. 

Weekly notes. You will receive these as a PDF after each class. These will include:

  • Important points and graphics from the presentations
  • links or citations to any texts referenced in the presentations
  • links and citations to further reading on the topics covered, which you can follow up on, if you wish.

You need to read the Four Branches of the Mabinogi to prepare for this class. (see guidance below)

Study Guide: After you register I’ll send you a study guide which will include the weekly schedule and a pronunciation guide.

Important! You should receive an email from me within 48 hours of paying for the class. Please respond to that email if requested. If you don't see it, check your spam folders, etc. and if you can't find it, contact me by clicking "contact organiser", below! It's important that we are in email contact, so that you can receive the zoom links and class mailings.

You will be reading The Four Branches of the Mabinogi as a central part of your learning in this class, however it is less than

100 pages, total, when printed in standard paperback form, so this should not be a huge burden of reading.

I suggest that students use one or more of the following translations:
John K Bollard - The Mabinogi: Legend and Landscape of Wales. Gomer Press (2006)
Sioned Davies - The Mabinogion Oxford University Press (2007)
Patrick K Ford - The Mabinogi and other Medieval Welsh Tales University of California Press (1977 and 2008)
Will Parker - free to read online at this link

To remove all doubt: Evangeline Walton's books based on the Mabinogi are NOT a translation of the Welsh material, and cannot be used for this class.

You can always find out what classes I have coming up at: https://tinyurl.com/GDclasses