Raising Confident Kids in a Confusing World (Southampton) – Above Bar Church, 69 Above Bar Street, Southampton

Wed 21 May 2025 7:45 PM - 9:30 PM
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About the event

We all want our children to be confident of who they are and able to make good decisions for themselves, but they are hearing conflicting messages. They are told that they can define themselves by their achievements, popularity or how they feel, and that sexuality, morality and gender are just a question of personal choice. Too often, Christian parents feel nervous and intimidated talking to their children on the subjects of bodies, gender, sexuality and their sense of self.

This evening is to inspire parents and carers that they are God’s Plan A for showing their children the Bible’s better answers on these topics, which are neither surprising nor confusing to our creator God.

Ed will serve up an evening of Biblical truth and practical wisdom, presented with a side order of real-life stories and a generous sprinkling of humour. It is perfect for parents at every stage of family life, from birth through to the teenage years, as well as for grandparents, leaders and anyone else who wants to be part of the wonderful challenge of raising children to lead flourishing lives for Christ.

Guests will leave with

- Tools to help them talk to children about the issues that matter most to them and shape their decision-making and their behaviour.

- Greater clarity on how to tackle some cultural hot topics with children and young people.

- A renewed appreciation that a child’s heart is the control room for all of their decisions and a fresh desire to influence their heart for Christ.

Host for the evening

Ed Drew is the Ministry Director of Faith in Kids, a registered charity which exists to see confident parents and thriving churches raising children together to trust Christ eternally. (www.faithinkids.org). Before founding Faith in Kids, Ed spent 13 years as the children's ministry leader for a large church in London. He is the author of Raising Confident Kids, Meals with Jesus and The Adventure of Christmas and the presenter of the Faith in Kids podcasts. He is married to Mary and they have three children, aged 16, 13 and 8.

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