Helmsmen 2025 – The Vault

Thu May 15, 2025 5:00 PM - 9:30 PM
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$125.00 $5.00

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Mark your calendar for an extraordinary evening on May 15, 2025 as we celebrate San Diego’s premier businessmen and distinguished career professionals. Choose one of the many options available and join as a Helmsmen in the May/June issue of Discover Magazines, a top Google-ranked "Luxury Magazine San Diego" listing. Secure a prominent place on the Front or Back Cover, or choose from exclusive opportunities as a Participant, Sponsor, or Vendor. This remarkable event promises live musical performances by San Diego's renowned NRG Entertainment, an array of gourmet hors d’oeuvres, fashionable vendors, and a hosted wine, tequila, and whiskey bar—plus a wealth of exciting give-away prizes! Join us for an unforgettable night filled with vibrant celebration, top-tier networking, and endless possibilities.

The evening will be in celebration to honor all Helmsmen 2025 participants, all of whom will be introduced during the presentation of awards.

Learn more about Discover Magazines at discovermagazines.com/ now in celebration of our 10th anniversary

*BE ON FRONT COVER OF OUR HELMSMEN 2025 CELEBRATION: Those on Front Cover of one of Discover Magazines 6 separate editions   (Rancho Santa Fe, Carlsbad, Del Mar, Solana Beach, La Jolla, or America's Finest City®) receive 5 full inside pages within the magazine with a     three page interview within the May/June, 2025 issue and a 2-page layout within the July/August, 2025 issue with all inside pages shown within all 6 editions of the publication. A full page bio/photo will also be included within the evenings's program. High resolution photography is required; graphic design is included for the Front Cover, the three page interview and the two page layout. Front Cover also includes entry tickets for 8 guests, introduction as a Helmsmen Honoree, an elegant plaque with name and description thereon, and a collage photo of all Helmsmen in our July/August, 2025 issue. Early Bird: $5,990 - Thereafter: $6,990 - admin@discovermagazines.com

Cover for Rancho Santa Fe edition: Early Bird: $6,990 - Thereafter: $7,950

BE ON BACK COVER OF OUR HELMSMEN 2025 CELEBRATION: Those on Back Cover of one of Discover Magazines 6 separate editions (Rancho Santa Fe, Carlsbad, Del Mar, Solana Beach, La Jolla, or America's Finest City®) receive a two page interview within the May/June, 2025 issue, and a single full page advertorial in our July/August, 2025 issue with all inside pages shown within all 6 editions of the publication. A full page bio/photo will also be included within the evenings's program. High resolution photography is required; graphic design is included for the Back Cover, and the two page and one page layout. Back Cover also includes entry tickets for 4 guests, introduction as a Helmsmen Honoree, an elegant plaque with name and description thereon, and a collage photo of all Helmsmen in our July/August, 2025 issue. Early Bird: $3,990 - Thereafter: $4,990 admin@discovermagazines.com

BE A PARTICIPANT: Join as a Participant and receive a full page insertion within our Helmsmen 2025 celebratory issue in May/June, 2025 with a full size photograph and biography to be shown within all 6 editions of the publication. In addition, the same full page will be included within the evening's program. Receive 2 tickets to the celebration of Honorees, be introduced at the event and receive a elegant plaque celebrating your accomplishments. Photos from the event will be shown online within the Discover Magazines website and a collage of photos of all Honorees will be showcased in a multi-series layout in our July/August, 2025 issue. High resolution photo/bio required - graphic design included. Early Bird Offer: $1,990 - Thereafter: $2,190 - admin@discovermagazines.com

JOIN AS A VENDOR: Vendors receive two tables, 6 feet in length at one location on site to promote and sell their goods or services, with their business ad shown on our wide digital screen during the event and the business logo included within the program: Early Bird Offer: $425 plus 2 / $50 gift cards - all to be given away that evening - admin@discovermagazines.com

JOIN AS AN ATTENDEE: Early Bird Ticketing - $125 - Thereafter: $150 - Click on button at the top right on this page


*Platinum Sponsor: Entry tickets for 8 guests, logo to appear on all promotional materials, full page advertisement within 6 forthcoming issues, shown within all 6 editions, and full page ad included within the program.  $6,000 admin@discovermagazines.com

*Gold Sponsor: Entry tickets for 6 guests, logo to appear on all promotional materials, half page advertisement within 6 forthcoming issues, shown within all 6 editions, and half page ad included within the program:  $4,500 - admin@discovermagazines.com

*Silver Sponsor: Entry tickets for 4 guests, logo to appear on all promotional materials, quarter page advertisement within 6 forthcoming issues, shown within all 6 editions, and quarter page ad included within the program:  $2,500 - admin@discovermagazines.com

Tickets are non-refundable, but are transferable                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           .