Discover Shibari Series - Course 4: Full suspensions and transitions – Anatomie Studio Arch 113 / Unit 17 Station Passage

Sat 1 Mar 2025 11:30 AM - Sun 2 Mar 2025 5:30 PM GMT
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£230.00 + £0.50 booking fee
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£230.00 £0.50 Sold out

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This course will be taught by studio owners Fred Hatt & Anna Bones and will run from 11:30 to 17:30 on both days.

Anatomie’s 4 part shibari progressive course, offering a modern and practical approach to rope bondage. The course is taught by Fred and Anna (unless otherwise stated), tying partners and life partners of 10 years, and focuses primarily on technique and partnership. The series will take you from complete beginner to proficient at full suspension over the duration of 4 weekend long courses. We offer a relaxed and non-judgemental environment for you to discover shibari at your own pace.

This is the fourth course in our foundational course series created by Anna Bones and Fred Hatt of Anatomie Studio. There are 4 courses in total.

Learn to suspend safely and efficiently with Fred Hatt and Anna Bones in this intensive weekend of rope. The workshop is aimed at both riggers and bottoms. In this full weekend workshop, we will teach participants to how safely suspend & be suspended and introduce suspension transitions.

We will cover: more suspension harnesses (hip harnesses, mermaid ties, futomomos), as well as various suspension & transition techniques for carabiners, ring and bamboo. We will cover some of the 'classic' shapes such as side suspension, face down, inversions and more. The class will be geared toward rigging and bottoming with exercises geared towards developing both sets of skills.

Please note that showing up to this class unprepared puts your model and other participants at risk, so please make sure you meet the pre-requisites!

In this course we will cover:

- Locking off rope for full suspensions and transitions
- Introduction to transitioning into different shapes in the air
- Tips for reading your partner and communicating in the air
- More harnesses for suspension

Who teaches this class?

This session will be led by Fred Hatt and Anna Bones

Below is Anna and Fred's combined bio:

Fred and Anna met and fell in love in 2013 and have been tying with each other ever since. They have celebrated 10 years of tying together in May 2023.

Ex-academics with a passion for rope technique, Fred and Anna's rope journey has been influenced as much by their Japanese teachers as well as by various European innovators and can be classed as somewhat "fusion" in style. This means they enjoy leaning into the more classical aspects of the practice including classic shapes and ties, but with a modern and practical flavour.

Although their focus is mostly on their local community at Anatomie, over the years their love of rope has taken them all over the world to perform and teach, they've also created rope work for various international publications, including fashion magazines and music videos.

Although they both tie outside their relationship, they teach from the perspective of a romantic couple that has lived through the ups and downs of a long term relationship in rope. In the classroom as well as on stage, Fred and Anna offer a modern and down-to-earth approach to tying, led by Fred’s nerdy sadistic inclinations punctuated by moments of tenderness and humour.


Doors open at 11am
Class runs from 11:30 to 5pm with a 30 min lunch break
Doors close at 5:30pm

Who can come to this class? Are there pre-requisites?

This class has pre-requisites for riggers and rope bottoms/models – please make sure you meet these before booking to avoid disappointment on the day:

-Completion of Course 3 gives both riggers and models the necessary pre-requisites for this course. You can still join us without having completed Course 3, please check meet the pre-requisites below. If in doubt please get in touch at

-Riggers should know how to tie a safe and structural upper body harness suitable for suspension. Ideally riggers should know how to tie a safe and structural TK. The butterfly harness is a good chest harness alternative. Any upper body harness from Shibari Study (as long as it is explicitly for suspension) is suitable

-Riggers must know how to check for nerve impingement. You must inform your model of the risks of rope suspension.

-Riggers and models must have tied together prior to this class.

-Rope bottoms should be able to be tied in an upper body harness and be very familiar with the differences between nerve and circulation impingement.

-Models must be able to recognise and communicate signs of nerve impingement to riggers effectively and timely. Models should be able to process pain and take some enjoyment in intense sensations.

Please note that Fred and Anna’s tying style is TK based. The teachers will refer to the TK throughout the class and use TK for many of the demos. Students are welcome to use other structural harnesses that suit them best and count on teacher support and feedback.

What should I bring and what do I wear?

We have ropes you can use during the class and we have a communal kitchenette, fridge and microwave. Tea and coffee are free but you should bring your food and snacks (we have plates and cutlery you can use). People usually wear comfortable clothing like yoga or dance attire. We advise against loose fitting clothing and also jeans can sometimes feel a bit restrictive to move around in and difficult to tie on.

For our Code of Conduct see here.

Need financial help to access this course? Please click here.

Membership Perk Alert! If you hold an active Rope Jam Membership, don’t forget to use your membership code at checkout to enjoy 10% off your ticket.

Please note that tickets can only be refunded or transferred up to 7 days before the event after which they become non-refundable. If you are unable to attend within 7 days, please join the 'Ticket Exchange' channel on our Discord server.