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To Take this class or not to take this class? That is the question!
Are you a lover of theatre but Shakespeare makes you break out in hives? Do you wonder "What does it mean? " and " What's all the fuss?" Then, this class is for you. For 8 weeks you will not only hone your acting skills but you will unpack the words of, arguably, the greatest playwright in written history. Do you like Romance? Revenge? Murder? Comedy? Pathos? Slapstick? Fantasy? History? Shakespeare wrote it all and now you can perform it all!
In this class students will work individually and in groups to understand and perform monologues and scenes from Shakespeare's greatest works.
What: An 8 week class ending in a showcase for friends and family
Where: Lincoln Center of the Arts Middle School, room 208
Who: Students aged 10 to Seniors in High School, should be able to read and follow along with a script
When: Thursdays, 6pm-8:30pm
- February 6 - Introductions, Learn Warmups
- February 13 - Choose Scenes / Monologues - Establish students' goals for the class
- February 20 - Rehearse
- February 27 - Rehearse
- March 6 - Rehearse
- March 13 - Rehearse
- March 20 - Rehearse
- April 3 - Rehearse, Final Notes/Questions
- April 5 - Showcase at Church in the City, 2pm Tech, 5pm performance