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$35 - Supporting Membership Fee. A discounted rate of $30 available until 1/31/2025.
Once you have paid your membership fee, please:
- Create your forum username here -
- Email if you have any issues
Membership includes:
- Access to the private Nexterra Supporting Members Only Forum
- Northeast Association of 4WD Clubs Membership (by virtue of being a Nexterra SM) & additional discounts for meeting attendance
---If you attend all 4 annual NEA meetings, then supporting membership is free
---If you attend 2 of the annual meetings, then you receive $10 off annual membership - $5 discount on all club merchandise
- Power to nominate and elect officers
- Eligible to become a club officer
- Eligible to be on a committee
- Special discounts from Supporting Vendors & merchants
- Invites to special "member only" events