Family Constellations Workshop 29 March 2025 – Bagshot

Sat 29 Mar 2025 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM
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£195.00 £4.90

£59.00 £4.50

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Family and Personal Issues Constellation Workshop with Marilene Metzler

Rather than simply focusing on the individual in isolation, this work differs from other therapeutic approaches in that it explores each person’s intrinsic place in the groups or ‘systems’ to which they belong. (Hence also called systemic constellations). These ‘systems’ may be our current family, our family of origin, our workplace or even the environment we live in.

At a Family Constellation Workshop, participants wishing to explore their own issues are invited to set up their own constellation using members of the group to represent members of whatever system they are working on. By creating a “living map” of an issue or situation, simple but hidden truths can come to light and be understood. In the second part, the facilitator aims to find a re-soulution. Both acting as a ‘representative’ and being an issue holder can offer profound insights and healing opportunities.

This family constellations workshop provides an opportunity to explore your personal or family issue in a safe and supportive environment and may be of particular interest if you:

  • have a symptom or personal issue (and who hasn’t?) that you are open to seeing in a new light and creating an opportunity for it to change;
  • are interested in gaining a new perspective into feelings of well-being and dis-ease by looking at the hidden dynamics at play (you could be a therapist or an individual with an interest in this field);
  • are open to experiencing life from someone else’s point of view.

They say you can only truly understand someone else when you have walked a mile in their shoes. Being a representative in this work gives you exactly this opportunity and could thus be described as one of the greatest empathy training available.

Systemic Constellations can create a healing movement in personal issues such as:

  • Symptoms and dis-ease
  • Addictions and eating disorders
  • Repeating life patterns of any kind
  • Bereavement, adoption, abortion and infertility
  • Relationship issues (with partners, siblings or parents)
  • Unhappiness and ongoing emotional symptoms such a rage, anxiety, limitation, depression and lack of motivation

This workshop provides an opportunity to explore your own issue in a safe, confidential and supportive environment.

Anyone with an open heart and interest in this work is welcome at this event.

About Marilene Metzler

Marilene Metzler has been working therapeutically with clients for more than 25 years  and has been deeply touched by systemic constellations. She feels that this work is her soul's mission and works sensitively and with much love to bring peace to her client's systems.

Marilene Metzler is also the founder of Journey to The Heart, and teaches family constellation training programs 

Which Ticket Type is for me?

Representatives: You can experience the workshop as an issue holder or representative only. The difference between the two is that as an issue holder you will get your turn to set up your own issue at some point during the constellations workshop. Everyone at the workshop, when they are not working on their issue, is there as an available resource for the person whose turn it is to set up their issue. Representatives are there to represent various members or elements of the systems that are being looked at. Many people get experience deep insights while acting as a representative for others. You can only truly understand someone else when you have walked a mile in their shoes. Consequently, being a representative in this work gives you exactly this opportunity and could thus be described as one of the greatest empathy training available.

Issue holders: As an issue holder, on top of being a representative for others, you will also get your turn to work on your own personal issue. You can bring any family or personal issue that you feel is blocking the flow of your life.

In case of cancellation:

Full refund will be given until 4 weeks before the workshop. Half the fee is refunded for cancellations between 2-4 weeks before the event. No refund will be given thereafter.

For more information, please contact Marilene on 07785 772 912 or

or visit