2025 - Month 1 Vision Masterclass – Zoom

Wed 26 Feb 2025 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM GMT
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Month 1 Wedneday 26th Feb 12pm to 1pm on zoom

Start 2025 knowing what you want and clear all feelings of unease or negative emotions about achieving your desires for the year ahead.

Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique) taps on the end of meridian energies to help realign the body, mind and spirit connection, letting go of negative beliefs and the tension they cause, allowing you to move forward in a positive direction.

This Masterclass will be around 90 minutes dedicated to moving forward in 2025. 

I will help you to be clear on what you want and help you to remove any subconscious blocks stopping you from achieving your desires.

The Masterclass will be recorded and emailed to all participants and also to those who could not make the live call. This will allow you to redo the tapping anytime you wish, to ensure you keep moving your life forward towards your desires.

 There is great benefit to tapping in a group, everyone benefits, even if they do not have the same problems to clear.

Let's make 2025 the year you achieve your desires.

Once you have made your booking you will be sent a separate email with a Zoom invite.

This is for month 1 ONLY £30.00 

We will meet each month and if you wish to join for all 12 months the sessions are £27 per month or if paid in advanced £264.00 for all 12.

Pleasae contact me for these options. karen@karensinfinitehealth.co.uk

Future dates are as follows: (4th Wednesday of the month 12pm to 1.30pm except for December which is on the 3rd Wednesday)

26th February

26th March

23rd April

28th  May

25th  June

23rd  July

27th August

24th September

22nd October

26th November

17th  December

28th January 2026