Fri Sep 5, 2025 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM MDT

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Constitution Bootcamp Monthly

The BIll of Rights #1 - Religious Liberty - (PART 3)

Come study the Constitution so you can help KEEP IT ALIVE!

This is the class you've been waiting for, so you can learn both the foundations and beyond-the-basics about our sacred documents and give it renewed life and then put it on a path to make it thrive.

Learn to apply it at the practical level. This is key for everyone who wants to make a difference.

Your teacher is a doctorate level constitutional scholar.

This is a complete study of the entire document - line by line.

Every Article, Section and Clause.

Join us online over Zoom or in person

Event Date: Once per month, per the schedule
Cost (New Reduced Price):

In-Person Price: Free - Come meet us and mingle
Online Zoom Link: $5
Additional Suggested Donation is Optional

Location - Online or In-Person
Food Storage Depot's TV Studio
10366 South Redwood Rd, Unit A
South Jordan, UT 84095

Next class  February 7th:
The BIll of Rights Amendment #1 - 1st Amendment/Religion Freedom - Who and what is destroying it?
 (Deep Dive Part 3)


Your Teacher: Dr. Scott Bradley (Read About Here)

Elections got you down? You don't know how to beat the scam? A lot of our feeling of powerlessness comes because we don't understand our founding documents.

We talk a lot about our rights, but we do know exactly how and why they're guaranteed!

Did you know that the founders already vigorously debated the questions people have today about how freedom works?
If we just read and learn the context of our founding documents, we could save a lot of time in having to re-learn what they already preserved for us.

The enemies of our freedoms understand these things very well, and they use it AGAINST YOU.

We must not remain ignorant or our ignorance will be used against us.


Interested in the big picture?
Learn "why we're studying the constitution" by reviewing these foundational presentations

Last Month: (Members can always view full recordings with behind-the-scenes details in the members area)

Please Support our Sponsors:

Advanced Plumbing Solutions -
Cardio Miracle 15% *Discount Code: DEFENDINGUTAH -
Seven Prep Steps, Be Prepared -
Food Storage Depot, Utah's local preparedness store -
Shop for Liberty at Defending Utah -
Health Saves, alternative health clinic -
LDS Freedom Books -
Global Remarketing -
Andersen Accounting -
Integra Law -
Freedoms Rising Sun, Material to teach your family the constitution in your home -
Water of Champions -
Mount Zerin Ministries, legally recognized marriages without the "license" -
Privacy Action Plan, Protection from the Globalist Agenda -