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Surrey After School Family Stay and Play session at Challengers Guildford with Synergy Dance for children aged 4 years to 12 years.
Due to funding spaces are restricted to Surrey resident families.
Come along and enjoy the facilities at the play centre with your family.
From 5pm to 6pm we will have a Dance Club session led by a Synergy Dance instructor for families to join in with it they want.
After School Family Stay and Play are free to attend, you can drop in any time from 4pm and the centre will close at 6.30pm.
Spaces are limited, please book your free ticket to attend.
After School Family Stay and Play are a time for families to enjoy our centres together.
Whilst we have a small number of staff on site families are responsible for their children at all times.
There is a strict policy of no hot drinks in the centre or outside space. We are also nut free, please do not bring any foods that may contain nuts.