RECORDING OF Finding joy in (20)24 with Luz Toff
Sun 11 Feb 2024 7:00 PM - Tue 31 Mar 2026 8:00 PM GMT
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We are entering the first Adar of this year, in which we have 2. The Talmud teaches us that when Adar enters we increase in our joy. In this shiur, we will look at 24 places in the Tanach in which we find iterations of joy, some of which might be less expected than others.
This shiur is part of a monthly series in memory of Dalia Hillman and Chazan Hillman z'l.
Luz Toff takes a holistic approach to everything she does, from learning and teaching Torah to sharing about healthy living. Having had the opportunity to learn and teach in a variety of Jewish educational settings, Luz is currently a student at Yeshivat Maharat. She is passionate about making Jewish learning and practice meaningful, relevant and accessible.
Balloons hoto by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash