RECORDING OF "Rosh Hashanah: the world, cracking through the shell of its egg to be born” with Miriam Lorie
Tue 5 Sep 2023 8:00 PM - Wed 15 Oct 2025 9:15 PM BST
Online, Zoom
Four women associated with Rosh Hashanah break into tears. Why did our rabbis choose these particular people and crisis points as our featured texts? And how can they focus our minds on these awesome days?
About the speaker:
Miriam Lorie is Rabbi in Training at Kehillat Nashira, a partnership minyan in Borehamwood. She is studying for semicha at Yeshivat Maharat, and is one of the first few Orthodox Jewish British women to embark on an ordination programme. Following a degree in Theology and Religious Studies from Cambridge, she has worked in inter-faith dialogue, community leadership, and is a BBC Pause for Thought contributor. Miriam is a co-founder of Kehillat Nashira, the Borehamwood Partnership Minyan. She is a Bnei Mitzvah teacher, an engaged couples teacher and part of Wellspring - the Mikveh Project UK.