2025 South West Lunar New Year Market 英國 South West 最大喜慶年宵市集
Multiple dates and times
Paintswork Event Space, BS4 3EH
✨ Entry details:
🎟 GENERAL - £5
🎟 GROUP TICKETS (20+ Guests) - £4
We recommend buying your Online Admission Tickets in advance as these often sell out! These give you guarantee entry ahead of those paying on the event day.
Welcome to the largest Lunar New Year market in South West England, located at BS4 3EH, where festive joy meets cultural celebration! This two-day event will feature:
🔸 Over 100+ New Year stalls, including 40+ delicious Asian street food vendors
🔸 Festive games, red envelope giveaways by the God of Wealth, Lion dance performances
🔸 Professional face painting, craft products, modern & traditional oriental Art
🔸 Authentic Guzheng performance, jazz funk dance, pop singers performance, cello performance and live band music show
🔸 Free consultations with pharmacists, eyeglasses cleaning & adjustment services
🔸 Workshops on property investment for newcomers and wellness seminars by TCM professionals
🔸 Cultural exhibitions and fundraising by Boham Tree Aid, Hong Kong Watch and Bristol Hongkonger CIC
🔸 Lucky Draw Prizes: A chance to win amazing prizes, including the Grand Prize: PS5®️ Digital Edition Console, 2nd Prize: DJI Mini 4K Drone, and over 3000 other prizes worth up to £3,000! 🎮✈️🔥🔥🔥
We are also honoured to have Hong Kong Watch, Bonham Tree Aid and Bristol Hongkonger CIC joining us to showcase Hong Kong's culture and share our values with the local community.
Whether you're here to shop for decorations, enjoy exciting performances, or simply soak up the festive atmosphere, there's something for everyone. Don't miss this incredible opportunity to celebrate the Year of the Snake! 🧧🐍
*Do I need to purchase a ticket to enter?
Yes, tickets are required for entry. Child under 12 is free. By purchasing a ticket, you are contributing to the success of a vibrant community event that celebrates local culture, small businesses, and creativity. Your support enables us to provide a platform for artisans, entrepreneurs, and performers to share their talents, while also helping to create an unforgettable experience for everyone involved. *The profits from the Lunar New Year Market, after covering necessary expenses, will be donated to Bonham Tree Aid, Hong Kong Watch, and Bristol CIC HongKongers.
**A chance to win exciting prizes. Prizes are generously sponsored by the organisers and sponsor partners, with a total value up to £3,000! ✨ Don't miss your chance to win festive goodies! 🎉
🔥 Parking: Over 100 free parking spaces are available. Additional 600 free parking spaces nearby are available at:
- Sainsbury Carpark, BS4 3BD
- Avonmeads Retail Carpark, BS2 0SP
- Temple Meads Long Stay Carpark, BS1 6QS
This Lunar New Year market is not limited to the Hong Kong community but warmly welcomes people of all nationalities from the South West region. Through this event, we aim to promote Hong Kong culture and create a festive platform for everyone in the South West to come together and celebrate the Lunar New Year!
Getting there:
Paintworks is located on the A4 (Bath Road) near Totterdown. Follow signs for Temple Meads Railway Station, then continue along the A4 bearing left at Three Lamps junction. Continue for approx half a mile, Paintworks is on the left hand side. It is approximately a 12 minute walk from Temple Meads station.
The postcode at Paintworks is BS4 3EH.
Paintworks is served by a number of buses running from the centre of Bristol harbour area, from Temple Meads station and between Bristol and Bath: 1, 57, 349 & X39.
Local taxi numbers for pick up from the site are: 0117 923 1515 and 0117 966 6800
Cycling to Paintworks
Secure cycle spaces are available throughout the site.
If you're coming on foot, by bike or in a car you can download a map. There are lots of ways to get here without a car, take a look at our greener travel choices.
Warm Regards,
South West Lunar New Year Team xx
2025 英國South West 最大喜慶年宵市集🧧 正式發售啦!
講到大型年宵,一定只會諗到London、Birmingham、Manchester呢啲地方。成個South West 其實有好多香港人,但都沒一個大型喜慶年宵,今次我哋出盡全力搏盡無悔,去舉辦蛇年喜慶年宵市集,務求做到一個最與別不同的年宵,令大家聚首一堂,迎接蛇年嘅來臨!
而家誠摯邀請各位住喺South West 地區嘅朋友們嚟到Bristol, 一齊參與呢場充滿新年氣氛既市集!
🔸兩日年宵滙聚 100+ 檔新年攤位,超過 40 檔美味亞洲熟食攤檔
🔸賀歲古箏表演、Jazz Funk舞蹈表演、大提琴演奏、現場樂隊表演及香港唱作歌手表演 🧧🎶
🔸香港加油手工藝品、藝術畫作分享、專業 Facepainting 服務
🔸細葉榕人道支援基金,香港監察,Bristol Hongkonger CIC 香港文化展覽和義賣籌款
🔸歡迎入場玩抽獎遊戲,參加者可於當日進行抽獎,贏取後即時得到抽獎禮品,大獎是PS5®️數位版主機,二獎是DJI Mini 4K 航拍無人機,還有 300 份豐富獎品,賀歲禮品均由主辦方及年宵檔主提供,總值高達 £3000! 🎮✈️🔥🔥🔥
日本手工叉燒拉麵、 家鄉銀針粉、炸煎堆、麻辣牛肚、包裝臘肉臘腸、蘿蔔糕、台式肉燥飯、 紫菜肉鬆鳳凰卷、砵仔糕、叉燒酥、老婆餅、泰式檸檬茶、珍珠奶茶、台式特飲、菠蘿包、 開心果糯米糍等等等等 (小編:好肚餓啊!一路寫一路流口水啦!)
呢次年宵市集並唔只係香港人活動,成個South West唔同國籍嘅人都可以參與,希望能夠促進香港文化推廣,能夠坐低慢慢品嘗亞洲美食,宣傳共同理念到本土鄰里社區,為 South West 地區提供一同歡聚嘅機會!
🧧2025英國South West 最大喜慶年宵市集🧧
日期:2025年1月25 - 26日(星期六及星期日)
時間:11 AM - 5 PM
地點 : Paintworks Event Space, Bristol, BS4 3EH
***年宵會場提供 100+ 免費泊車,另外附近可泊600+ 車位 Sainsbury Carpark (BS4 3BD), Avonmeads Retail Carpark (BS2 0SP), Temple Meads Long Stay Carpark (BS1 6QS)
🎟 普通票 - £5
🎟 團購票 - £4(20+ 位)
🎈 12歲以下免費入場
🌟 溫馨提示:年宵附送乙次抽獎機會,建議提前購買門票,網上門票將會很快售罄!提前購票可保證入場,優先於活動當日現場購票的賓客! 🎟 立即按下連結購買門票 🔥🔥🔥
是的!這是一個沒有大台支持、沒有大型贊助的喜慶年宵活動。我們全力以赴,投入所有資源和時間,以最低成本讓每一位檔主參展。您的每張門票,不僅是對活動的支持,更是對移英港人經濟圈的實質鼓勵。*年宵活動嘅收入,扣除必要開支後,將會捐贈俾細葉榕、香港監察同 Bristol CIC HongKongers
Paintswork Event Space, BS4 3EH