'Investing for Tomorrow', our last-Wednesday-of-the-month event.
Wed 29 Jan 2025 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
City of London, EC2
'Investing for Tomorrow' is our last Wednesday of the month event, when we bring a stock-market connection into play.
Invited Members and Guests will join us on in the City of London on Wednesday the 29th of January for 'Investing for Tomorrow'
Our location and theme will be made known to those wishing to attend.
Our January 2025 theme is 'Crisis'.
Chatham House Rules prevail, so here we provide background information about our theme.
We will be revisiting Harold Wilson's 'Pound in Your Pocket' speech from November 1967 before moving on to 1974, when there was a 'Three Day Week' to ration the nation's electricity usage. We then exchange views about the economic and political outlook for 2025 from a business and investor perspective.
Our Events
We specialise in micro events and we choose suitable locations accordingly.
Join us at one of our Lunchtime Forums, either in person or on Zoom, if you are interested in learning more about 'Investing for Tomorrow', which starts at 3 pm on the last Wednesday of the month from January through to November.
At our Lunchtime Forums, which take place every week on Wednesdays, other than when we have our 'Investing for Tomorrow' 3 pm event, special
guests and those who join us regularly are free to arrive when we
At our Lunchtime Forums, first arrivals are from 12:20 pm for 12.30 pm, when we start, and guests can stay with us until we finish, at 2:30 pm. At our in-person Lunchtime Forum events, the minimum stay is one hour from 12:45 pm to 1:45 pm, which is the duration of the Presentation Hour.
At lunchtime, we encourage folks to have a bite to eat with a glass of something when attending in person. (Our dress code is typically smart casual, with a jacket and tie being normal attire for gentlemen when in the City.)
Please feel free to agree or disagree with anything that we cover, as we welcome all points of view.
City of London, EC2