Mental Health Awareness Week - Virtual Assembly
Mon 13 May 2024 1:30 PM - 2:00 PM BST
Online, Zoom
School of Kindness: Mental Health Awareness Week Virtual Assembly
Age Groups: Most suitable for Key Stage 1 and 2
Length: Approx 30 minutes
Number of children per assembly: This assembly is open to approx 100 schools. Feel free to have as many classes taking part in the assembly as you wish (but please note, your school may view the assembly on a maximum of 10 screens. If you require more screens, please contact us before booking on
Format: It is a Zoom webinar format, so schools will not be able to see each other and our facilitator cannot see the children. Teachers can ask and answer questions on behalf of the children using the chat box.
What Happens in the Assembly?
The assembly will be led by our Director of Kindness, Greig Trout, who will share a presentation and ask questions along the way. The presentation will cover:
- What Mental Health Awareness Week is
- This year’s theme ‘Movement’ and the difference it makes to our mental health
- Simple things we can do to incorporate movement into our day (we will make this as inclusive as possible)
- Other ways we can support our mental health
- The science of kindness and the role kindness plays in improving our wellbeing
- The importance of self-kindness
Resources Needed
We will provide you with a downloadable an activity sheet children can complete in their own time after the assembly.