Ondrej Psenicka // 52 Lovers (2/7-2/15)
Multiple dates and times
69 Atlantic, 11201
February 7th, 8th, 14th & 15th @ 7:15pm & 9:30pm and February 13th @ 7:15pm
Have you ever seen a Czech man in a turtleneck make love to a playing card? How about 52 at once? Despite what you might be picturing, there is no nudity in this show—imagine the paper cuts! Rather, 52 Lovers is a romantic and ridiculous exhibition of heart-stirring sleight of hand.
Ondrej Psenicka (pronounced Andre Psheh-neetch-kah) hails from Prague, where he is a well-known actor, inventor and performer. Amongst magicians, Psenicka (pronounced with a Psshh) is world famous. He is renowned for his maniacal creativity and reviled for his ability to fool even well-educated practitioners of the craft.
After one particularly deceptive performance, Penn Jillette called Ondrej (the j is silent) a "sneaky bastard" and threatened to punch him in the face on national television. Some men struggle to express their affection.
Now is your chance to witness, in the flesh, a strange and beautiful orgy of card magic. Bask in sensorial delight as Psenicka (don't try to sound it out) sniffs the pips, fondles the box and seduces the pasteboards through dance. Do you find yourself aroused? You're not the only one...
Ondrej Psenicka will perform 52 Lovers February 7th, 8th, 14th & 15th at 7:15 & 9:30pm, as well as Thursday, February 13th at 7:15pm.
Seating is limited to 18. All events at 69 Atlantic are 21+
Complimentary wine is curated by our friends at Popina.
Please arrive early. No late seating.
69 Atlantic, 11201