Induction/Welcome Online Event (hosted on Teams)
Tue 25 Jun 2024 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM BST
Online, Teams
The event will be an opportunity to come together and hear what's been going on at ALN member institutions. We have two speakers already signed up (with another two unconfirmed):
- Sheffield staff will discuss their new blended approach to inductions/welcome
- RNCM staff will discuss what they have done over the past few years, what has worked, as well as what hasn't
We may need further contributions, so if you have anything you'd be interested in sharing at the event, please get in touch with us - We're looking for speakers on the following (but are open to other ideas you might like to share too):
- student engagement with induction/welcome activities
- encouraging international students to attend/engage with inductions
- looking at student expectations and how to meet them
Please get in touch by Friday 26th April with your thoughts and ideas.