Foundations for Teaching Lab Workshop
Thu Aug 22, 2024 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM CDT
BSB A.236, 76798
Are you a graduate student instructor looking for teaching development training? Are you a more experienced graduate student instructor seeking tips before starting a faculty position? The Academy for Teaching and Learning and the Graduate School invite you to participate in the Foundations for Lab Teaching Workshop (FTLW).
This on-campus workshop is designed to provide graduate student teachers for labs with effective teaching and assessment strategies for use in their classrooms. The workshop is specifically aimed at graduate student instructors who teach labs in a STEM department.
The workshop will feature presentations on grading efficiently, equitably, and effectively, as well as breakout sessions covering topics such as conflict resolution, classroom management, and supporting students.
Registration is now open. Attendance is limited to 45 attendees, so reserve your space today!