Artist Educator Network Meet
Wed 24 Apr 2024 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM BST
Online, Zoom
We are continuing our Artist Educator meet ups in 2024 with a series of zoom sessions for networking, discussions and guest speakers to help build a community of support and creative inspiration.
In this session we will be joined by Printmaker Scarlett Rebecca, who will be discussing different types of artist residencies, whether within a school, community setting or even online. Scarlett will also be sharing insight into her own residency programme, based in Wales.
This Artist Educator Network meet up is free and open to anyone who brings their art practice into educational settings, whether you're a painter who runs school workshops, a sculptor who works in museums and galleries or a printmaker who facilitates in community settings - we would love for you to join us and have a space to share your skills and expertise as an artist.
This event may also be of interest to classroom teachers or SLT who are interested in setting up an artist residency within their school.
Open to members and non members
This session will not be recorded.