Campaign for Social Science Annual Sage Lecture 2024
Mon 18 Nov 2024 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM GMT
1 Wimpole Street, W1G 0AE
All change! 2024 - A Year of Elections
Dr Hannah White, Director and CEO of Institute for Government
With over 50 countries around the world holding major elections during 2024 it has been a hugely significant year for democracy as well as for the global political landscape.
The UK has of course been one of the countries to hold an Election. Following its General Election in July the UK now has a new government which already looks set to do things differently from the previous administration. The new Labour government unequivocally claims to be mission-led and aims to “kickstart economic growth; make Britain a clean energy superpower; take back our streets; break down barriers to opportunity; and build an NHS fit for the future”.
But how has the political landscape changed following this year of elections, both globally and within the UK? This lecture also comes hot on the heels of the US Election, the result of which will obviously bring its own set of implications. In this lecture Dr Hannah White, Director and CEO of Institute for Government, will offer her reflections on this year of elections and provide some insights and ideas as to how the political landscape has shifted and what the implications might be, especially for the UK.
Hannah will discuss what the future might hold for the UK and its new Government within the changing global political landscape. How can the UK find its place in the world and play its part in global challenges such as managing migration and tackling climate change whilst also addressing challenges closer to home such as those around health, housing, education, the economy, tackling inequalities, and empowering the UK’s devolved nations and regions?
Following the lecture our audience will be able to engage in a Q&A session with Hannah before the networking reception begins.
Doors open at 5.45 pm
Lecture from 6.00-7.00pm
Followed by a networking reception until 8.30pm
Photo Credit: Red Dot on Unsplash
1 Wimpole Street, W1G 0AE