Urban Life: Mission on the Margins Community Practice
Mon 22 Jan 2024 12:30 PM - Mon 10 Jun 2024 2:30 PM GMT
Online, Zoom
Mission the Margins Community Practice
What is a Community of Practice (CoP)?
A Community of Practice is a group ‘of people who share a common concern or passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly’ (Wenger-Trayner).
Urban Life offer online Communities of Practice to accompany those engaged in mission in marginal contexts. The sessions aren’t about ‘experts’ presenting material or content. Rather, it is a mutual and collaborative learning environment where questions emerge from the participants as they discern wisdom together.
We began online Communities of Practice in 2021 as a response to the changes in working accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic. We quickly found that a diverse group gathering monthly via Zoom could provide a creative and companionable space to reflect on our mission practice and be transformed together.
Group members described the impact their experience in CoP has had on them and their ministry:
“A lot! Made me more open, more authentic, more adventurous and more expectant. Opened my eyes. Made me more content in who I am.”
“Encouraged me to carry on!”
“It makes me reflect more on who I am, rather than what I do.”
“Realising that I am not alone in facing some of the issues of modern day ministry”
When & Where:
Monthly, online sessions (Zoom) between 12.30-2.30pm on Mondays:
- 22nd January
- 19th February
- 18th March
- 15th April
- 13th May
- 10th June
- Self-funded - £145
This is offered at cost. If you’re struggling to meet this a small bursary may be available please contact us.
- Sponsored - £196
This is if you are able to draw on funding from an organisation or employer.
Email: info@urbanlife.org