Cysylltu: O Dan y Cromen / Connect: Under the Dome
Tue 15 Oct 2024 7:00 PM - 11:30 PM
Cysylltu: O Dan y Cromen
Cysylltu: O Dan y Cromen yn ddigwyddiad nos newydd anhygoel gyda'r nod o ddod â phobl sy'n gweithio ym maes gofal cymdeithasol o bob rhan o Gymru at ei gilydd i ddathlu creadigrwydd, cymuned a chysylltiad. Bydd y digwyddiad yn plethu perfformiadau byw, trafodaethau panel, bwyd stryd a ffilmiau byr ynghyd gydag amser i ymlacio a siarad.
Wedi'i gynhyrchu gan ADSS Cymru, a'i noddi gan The Access Group, bydd Connect: Under the Dome yn cyflwyno theatr a cherddoriaeth fyw gan Hijinx, un o gwmnïau theatr cynhwysol mwyaf blaenllaw Ewrop, gan greu perfformiadau rhagorol gydag artistiaid ag anableddau dysgu a/neu awtistiaeth. Cynhelir y digwyddiad yn lleoliad celfyddydau digidol arloesol Caerdydd, CULTVR LAB®, fel rhan o'r Gynhadledd Gofal Cymdeithasol Genedlaethol (CGGC4), ond rhaid prynu tocynnau ar wahân, ac mae croeso i chi fynychu fel digwyddiad annibynnol.
Ymunwch â ni am noson hudolus gydag un o ddarnau theatr dros-dro trochol Hijinx. Mae'r perfformiad hwn sy'n ysgogi'r meddwl a chynhwysol yn addo gwneud i chi chwerthin wrth eich annog i weld y byd o safbwynt newydd. Bydd rhaglen gyfoethog o ffilm, trafod a cherddoriaeth yn dilyn, ochr yn ochr â bwyd stryd blasus a diodydd hamddenol.
Cysylltu: O Dan y Cromen wedi cael ei guradu'n arbennig i ysgogi sgyrsiau ffres a diddorol rhwng pobl sy'n ymwneud â darparu gofal cymdeithasol nad ydynt fel arfer yn cael cyfle i gwrdd a siarad. Ni fydd y rhai sy'n dymuno talgrynnu'r noson gyda chwyrn ar y llawr dawnsio yn cael eu siomi chwaith, ac efallai y bydd karaoke hyd yn oed!
#CGGC24 #odanycromen
Connect: Under the Dome
Connect: Under the Dome is an extraordinary new evening event aimed at bringing people working in social care from across Wales together to celebrate creativity, community and connection. The event will weave together live performances, panel discussions, street food and short films with time to relax and talk.
Produced by ADSS Cymru, and sponsored by The Access Group, Connect: Under the Dome will present theatre and live music from Hijinx, one of Europe’s leading inclusive theatre companies, creating outstanding performances with learning disabled and/or autistic artists. Taking place at Cardiff’s ground breaking digital arts venue, CULTVR LAB, the event is presented as part of the National Social Care Conference (NSCC24), but tickets must be purchased separately, and you are welcome to attend as a standalone event. This event is generously supported by Arts & Business Cymru's CultureStep Programme.
Join us for an enchanting evening with one of Hijinx’s immersive pop-up theatre pieces. This thought-provoking and inclusive performance promises to make you laugh while encouraging you to see the world from a new perspective. A rich programme of film, discussion and music will follow, alongside delicious street food and relaxed drinks.
Connect: Under the Dome has been specially curated to stimulate fresh and interesting conversations between people engaged in the delivery of social care who may not usually have the opportunity to meet and talk. Those who wish to round off the evening with a whirl on the dancefloor won't be disappointed either, and there may even be karaoke!
#NSCC24 #underthedome