Discovering Your Real Identity - Boundaries for Recovering Shitshows!
Sat Aug 6, 2022 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM EDT
Online, Zoom
In this two-hour hands-on workshop, you'll learn about building boundaries in the context of ACA recovery. Workshop participants will participate in nine different exercises to help them reflect on their patterns around boundaries and learn how to build boundaries.
Learning outcomes:
1. How 12-step recovery teaches us boundaries from the outside in
2. How "practicing these principles in all our affairs" helps us understand where/when to set boundaries
3. Principles of behavior change
4. Principles of boundary setting
5. The relationship between wearing masks and setting boundaries
6. The metaphor of boundaries as property with fences and gates
7. Understanding what's your property and not your property
8. Varieties of boundaries (self-containment, self-protection, love, money, time, energy
9. That boundaries not only keep "bad" out but let "good" in
Barb Nangle, a boundaries coach, podcast host and motivational speaker who empower peoples to live their lives on purpose by helping them develop healthy boundaries in their personal and professional lives. After 19 years at Yale University as a Program Coordinator for Urban Ed programs, Barb was laid off and found her way into the world of entrepreneurship, startups and innovation in New Haven. That led her to start her own business in 2018, Higher Power Coaching and Consulting, LLC. In the spring of 2019, she started her podcast "Fragmented to Whole: Life Lessons from 12-Step Recovery." It was born out of a desire to share all the many tips, tools and tricks she learned in 12-step recovery.