Advice for Girls in Carbondale, CO
Wed Nov 29, 2023 5:15 PM - 7:00 PM
Crystal Theatre, 81623
Grab your favorite ski buddies and join us at the Crystal Theatre in Carbondale, Colorado for a showing of Advice for Girls! A discussion with the film’s producer Sierra Schlag will follow the showing at El Dorado across the street at 358 Main Street.
“Advice for Girls” puts a spotlight on the collective experience of women in the ski industry. The film showcases advice from three generations of women in skiing. Each generation reminds women and girls of all ages that they are worthy of success, allowed to take up space, and are extremely valuable to the ski industry.
With an intersectional cast featuring all types of women – women of color, queer women, women with disabilities, and more – the crew hopes that everyone can find someone in the film to connect to.
“My hope is that the film will help girls skip over some of the limiting beliefs imposed upon past generations of skiers and inspire them to show up as their truest selves,” says producer and athlete Addy Jacobsend. Featuring an all-female cast and crew, Advice for Girls is a must-see ski film for any skiing enthusiast.
Doors at 5:15 pm, Show at 5:30 pm, Q&A at El Dorado (358 Main Street) at 6:30 pm.
El Dorado is donating 10% of revenue from the night to Challenge Aspen. So make sure to join the Q&A session after the premier to help raise more funds for Challenge Aspen.
Crystal Theatre, 81623