The Crimes of COVID-1984 Webinar | Hosted By Michael O'Bernicia
Sun 5 Mar 2023 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM GMT
Online, Jitsi
The date of this webinar has been postponed from 24/02/2023.
The Crimes of COVID-1984 Webinar
For those of you who are not of faint heart, prejudiced sensibilities and controlled mind, Michael O'Bernicia will be hosting The Crimes of COVID-1984 Webinar, during which he will layout the evidence of mass murder by UK government policy from 03/03/2020 to the present day, which has already been unlawfully dismissed as 'hearsay' three times by the same judge in the rigged courts.
It is therefore time to set the public record straight.
During the webinar everybody will
learn about:
1. How and why the history of UK pandemic policy was radically altered to facilitate the crimes of COVID-1984, by the very people who claimed to be keeping us safe.
2. The integral roles played by the Four Horsemen of COVID-1984, Matt Hancock, Chris Whitty, Patrick Vallance and Neil Ferguson, in triggering the roll-out of tyranny worldwide, for a 'virus' which has still not been proven to exist.
3. How Whitty and Ferguson were instrumental in devising the very lockdown policies imposed upon the British People in March 2020, during the 2014 Ebola scamdemic, which many have concluded was the dummy run for COVID-1984.
4. How and why the Four Horsemen insisted from the start that the only way out of lockdowns was a COVID-19 'vaccine' and a breakdown on their close links to Bill Gates and his openly declared mission to maximize 'vaccination' uptake worldwide.
5. How Hancock ordered enough Midazolam and Morphine to give 'a good death' to anybody who tested positive in an NHS supervised PCR test, which is incapable of detecting a 'virus'.
6. The WHO safety study from 2019 which shows that they approved the worldwide use of a Recombinant DNA flu 'vaccine' with a 0.37% mortality rate among healthy adults between 18 and 60.
7. How we extrapolated from that safety study enough data to predict how many 18-60 year olds would die from the 2020 flu shot with a 98% degree of accuracy, yet the courts refused to grant our application for a moratorium on the 'vaccine' roll-out to be declared, before people from all demographics started dropping like flies.
8. The shocking eye witness testimony which tells the horrific tale of Midazolam Murders by government policy and the next steps in PUB's unrelenting criminal prosecution of the criminals of COVID-1984.
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However, if the minimum booking threshold is not reached within 24 hours of the listed date or there is an unexpected change in circumstances, the date of the webinar may be changed.
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