華人啟發培訓 Chinese Alpha Training
Multiple dates and times
Online, Zoom
- 陪伴來賓探索信仰,融入教會
- 掌握啟發原理,有效傳福音
- 有效帶領啟發小組,領人歸主
- 啟發的理念
- 什麼是啟發?
- 如何帶領啟發小組?
- 如何開辦啟發課程?
Dear Pastors and Leaders,
We would like to invite you and your leaders or team members to attend the Chinese Alpha Virtual Training for a time of learning and fellowship with other church leaders to maximize the use of the Chinese Alpha Film Series (CAFS) for evangelism, missions, and church planting.
- To explore faith with guests and introduce them to the church
- To become familiar with the principles of Alpha and how it works
- To effectively lead small groups and lead others to Christ
- The Principles of Alpha
- What is Alpha?
- How to Lead A Small Group?
- How to Run Alpha?
美國 United States / 加拿大 Canada
日期 | Date:
2024年 2月 21 或 28日 (重播),星期三 | 21 or 28 February 2024 (Repeat Broadcast), Wednesday
時間 | Time:
下午 5點 至 7點 (太平洋時間)
晚上 7點 至 9點 (中部時間)
晚上 8點 至 10點 (東部時間)
5:00pm - 7:00am (Pacific Time)
7:00pm - 9:00pm (Central Time)
8:00pm - 10:00pm (Eastern Time)
Chinese Alpha Training will be held solely in Mandarin.