I ♡ Trademarks Conference
Tue Mar 18, 2025 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM EDT
515 Madison Ave, 10th Floor, 10022
Join Alt Legal for a full day of trademark education, CLE credit, networking, and fun!
With five (pending) CLE credits (including one credit of ethics) and plentiful opportunities to make meaningful connections, the I ♡ Trademarks Conference is a fantastic and exciting opportunity to sharpen your trademark skills and learn about the latest trademark trends. You'll learn about the intersection of trademarks, influencers, and NIL; trademarks in the beauty industry; LGBTQIA+ trademarks and trademark practice; and more! Walk away from this fabulous event with 5 CLE credits and dozens of new friends.
Tentative schedule
9:00-9:30: Registration and networking
9:30-10:00: Breakfast and networking
10:00-10:10: Welcome and introductory remarks
10:10-11:10: CLE Session 1: Under the Influencer: Avoiding Chaos for NIL on Social Media
11:10-11:20: Networking break
11:20-12:20: CLE Session 2: Beauty Is in the Eye of the IP Holder: Protecting Beauty Brands in the Cosmetics Industry
12:20-1:30: Lunch and roundtable discussions
1:30-2:30: CLE Session 3: Pride Overcoming Prejudice: Charting LGBTQ+ Paths in IP
2:30-2:45: Intro to Alt Legal
2:45-3:00: Networking break
3:00-4:00: CLE Session 4: Fraud with Errors: Avoiding Both Egregious and Unintentional Ethical Issues
4:00-4:30: Keynote presentation
4:30-4:45: Networking break
4:45-5:45: CLE Session 5: Don’t Jump to Confusions: Overcoming Trademark Refusals Across Borders
5:45-7:00: Networking happy hour
7:00+: Optional small-group Dine-Around in New York!
More Information about the I ♡ Trademarks Conference
You can find information about our sessions and speakers, roundtable discussions, CLE credit, nearby hotels, and more here. There you can also find a sample justification letter to help make the case for attending the conference.
Financial Aid
For attorneys in need, financial aid may be available for up to 75% of selected course fees. Financial aid is based upon attorney income verification, as follows: income up to $35,000: 75% discount; income $35,000 – $50,000: 50% discount; income above $50,000: no discount.
Please complete and submit this form prior to registering for the I ♡ Trademarks Conference. If your application for financial aid is approved, we will issue you a discount code.
McCabe & Ali Self-Funding Scholarship
Thanks to the generosity of McCabe & Ali, LLP, we have a scholarship for one I ♡ Trademarks Conference attendee who would otherwise be purchasing their own ticket (without reimbursement from their firm or company). Learn more and apply here.
Special thanks to the sponsors who've made this conference possible.
By registering for Alt Legal's I ♡ Trademarks Conference, you agree to our Terms.
515 Madison Ave, 10th Floor, 10022