Nurturing Children and Teens Amidst Today's Challenges
Thu Jun 6, 2024 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM MDT
American Heritage School, North Auditorium, 84003
9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Dr. Sax is an American Psychologist, family physician and author. Dr. Sax will be leading workshops directed to parents and teachers based on his extensive research included in his books:
'Boys Adrift' 'Girls on the Edge' 'Why Gender Matters' 'The Collapse of Parenting'.
Sister Michelle D. Craig served as a counselor in the General Young Women's Presidency of the Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Sister Craig's keynote address titled "Light in Their Dwellings" will discuss spiritual resilience in our children and youth.
Register to save your spot for Thursday June 6th for this full day of education. Lunch included.
>>Click here to see schedule<<
American Heritage School, North Auditorium, 84003