Precision Rifle Dynamics
Thu Jun 19, 2025 7:00 AM - Fri Jun 20, 2025 5:00 PM EDT
Arena Training Facility, 39823
Precision Rifle Dynamics:
This course is designed to take a shooter who has never touched a precision weapon system and make them confident and competent when engaging targets from 100-1000+ yards. This course was designed by professional long range shooters from various backgrounds to bring you the best of all schools of thought.
Topics Covered:
- Proper Set up of Precision Rifle (Optic, Length of Pull, How to Disassemble and Assemble your rifle without a gunsmith)
- Weapons Components
- Scope Theory (HOW TO USE YOUR OPTIC)
- Fundamentals of Precision Marksmanship
- Ammo Considerations
- How to use a MIL reticle to range targets
- How to create a range card and Target Reference Points
- Shooter Spotter Dialogue
- Wind and how to accurately account for it.
- Rapid Target Engagement
Gear Required for Success:
- Precision Rifle: .30 cal or less.
- Bolt or Gas with the ability to shoot atleast 1.25 MOA
- Optic with ability to zero turrets (Example: Vortex Venom, Strike Eagle, Razor, Nightforce SHV, Leupold Mk5HD, Etc. )
- Bipods
- 2-3 Magazines for your rifle
- Rear Bag (Example; Armageddon gear Game changer)
- Scope tools (Fix it Sticks)
- Ballistic Computer (Kestrel, Hornaday 4DOF which is free on your phone).
- Shooting Tripod
- 300 rounds of match grade ammunition
- Ear Protection
Recommended Gear:
- Scope level
- Chronograph
- Additional Shooting bags
- Weather Appropriate Gear
- Field or Camping Chair
- Sunscreen
- Bug Spray
- Water Source
- Note Taking Gear
We will be shooting on a 1000 yard and 2300 yard range. So expect to push your rifle to the extent of the ability of the system as a whole.
Course Cost:
Paying in payments: $900
- $250 Non-Refundable deposit is made today and arrangements are made with the Apex Staff to ensure your final payment is made no later than 14 days prior to the course start date.
Paying in full: $780
There is lodging available on site at the Training Facility. If you choose to use it, contact us ASAP so we can reserve your cabin.
We look forward to training with you!
Arena Training Facility, 39823