AF2021 | New Spatial Realities with Raising the Roof x Voices of Experience - Households. the (un)ruly book
Fri 18 Jun 2021 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM BST
Online, Zoom
New Spatial Realities - Households. The (un)ruly book.
An exploration into how we might live our older lives with a focus towards sharing, agency and autonomy.
Raising the Roof x Voices of Experience
Raising the Roof x Voices of Experience invites you to and online event and launch of the (un)ruly handook on 18th of June.
Households. The (un)ruly book.
Households draws from personal reflections of living and ageing. It is inspired by Raising the Roof’s aspirations to construct an alternative to what is available in the current political landscape of housing, social care, and economics: Home, at Last (Archifringe 2019).
The (un)ruly book considers how we might better live together: towards sharing, agency and autonomy in the context of increasing age demographics, rising levels of loneliness and more paid work taking place at home - an already lived reality for many, particularly women and those with caring responsibilities.
We invite everyone to consider how we might collectively re-imagine our households and working lives in a way that embraces equity. Imagining more than assumptions of either working or retiring or the giving and receiving of care, as we adopt alternative value systems and enriched spaces for living.
Raising the Roof
Adele Patrick, Sue John & Janice Parker, otherwise known as Raising the Roof (RtR) is a radical and anomalous project: an architectural initiative led by non-architects; a housing development taking inspiration from feminist economics; and a project aiming to provide care and homes for older people, shaped by them. RtR is radical in its aim to straddle the manifest rupture between, on the one hand, the industries of architecture, land ownership and care home culture, and on the other ethics, equity and diverse housing needs of older people.
Voices of Experience
Voices of Experience is a collaborative project led by Suzanne Ewing, Jude Barber and Nicola McLachlan formed in 2014. Motivated by a lack of recognised female presence and role models within architecture and the built environment, Voices of Experience instigates and participates in projects that shine a light on women who have made important contributions. Previous projects include the publication ‘Remnants: How you build a city’ with Panel 2020 and ‘Mementoes of a working life’ exhibition as part of Architecture Fringe 2019. The groups’ work has been exhibited and presented around the world including the ‘MoMoWo’ Symposium in Torino, Italy 2018 and the ‘Transformations’ conference in Melbourne, Australia 2019.
Many hands have contributed to the design and development of the (un)ruly book as follows:
The Voices of Experience participants Anne Duff, Joyce Deans and Dorothy Bell, who provided insight, experiences and contributions within sketchbooks and audio recordings 2020-2021.
Sofya Staune of VAJ power who produced the digital animations.
Tao-Anas le Thanh who created the films.
The Architecture Fringe is a non-profit Community Interest Company run by unpaid volunteers. Support our work via our Patreon page.
Security & Accessibility
This event is being hosted live on Zoom and is being recorded for later public access. The Architecture Fringe takes the online safety and security of our guests and audience members seriously. Following best practice, upon registration, you will be sent a Zoom link where the event will commence at the allotted event time. This link is for registrants only. Thank you for your support and for joining us!
This event will feature automated closed captioning which will appear either within the call itself or in a separate window which will sit alongside Zoom. We have requested all contributors to speak slowly and clearly to allow for the captioning to be as accurate as possible. We will also review the closed captioning to ensure it accurately reflects the event when the recording is shared on our YouTube/social media channels.