Queen of Knives - Santa Fe Screening Premiere (Free Event) - Violet Crown - 1606 Alcaldesa St, Santa Fe, NM 87501
Fri Jun 14, 2024 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Violet Crown Santa Fe, 87501
Join us for a post-screening Q&A with Producer and Lead Actor Gene Pope and Co-Star and local Santa Fe resident Alexandra Renzo
QUEEN OF KNIVES follows the Benetto family, which is scattered to the winds in Brooklyn, NY. There’s no predicting where they will end up. Relationships keep shifting. Generations keep trying to adapt to a new world. Risky behavior is the norm. Eventually, their paths all lead back to a fateful dinner at their former home, with surprise visitors and lots of unintended consequences. Where secrets are revealed, and a final page is turned. The biggest question is: Who exactly are the adults here? A mix of sharp and witty dialogue, comedy, and drama that so many of us can relate to. A story that sucks you in, and you're glad for it.
QUEEN OF KNIVES was written by Lindsay Joy and Gene Pope and directed by Jon Delgado. QUEEN OF KNIVES was produced by Gene Pope, Jenn Gomez and Joseph Stephans and features an ensemble cast that includes Gene Pope (‘Frank’), Mel Harris (‘Kathy’), Roxi Pope (‘Kaitlin’), Emily Bennet (‘Sadie’), Alexandra Renzo (‘Autumn’), Justin Sams (‘Sebastian’), Tara Westwood (‘Joanne’), Barbara Tirrell (‘Masha’), Neptune (‘Braden’), Robert Costanzo (‘Sal’), Jay Russell (‘David’), Carmen Lobue (‘Mattie’), Mollie Anne Lloyd (‘Eliza’), Arthur Langly (‘Jay’), Zebedee Row (‘Jackson’), Robert Anythony Jones (‘Fred’), Stephanie Rocio (‘Paula’), and Christopher Laing (‘Trinidad’).