Duo Quartet - featuring Chris Webster and Nina Gerber, and Pam Delgado and Jeri Jones (of Blame Sally)
Sat Apr 12, 2025 7:30 PM - 11:00 PM
The Gomez, 95603
Duo Quartet - the truth is, this is a band that wasn’t supposed happen. It started with four old friends thinking, ‘hey, let’s do a couple of shows as a double-bill’: Nina Gerber & Chris Webster in concert with The Pam & Jeri Show (Pam Delgado and Jeri Jones of Blame Sally). Given that all four women already had stellar reputations in the greater Bay Area, it wasn’t hard to book some high profile venues followed by full houses. And now we are really excited to have them performing for us live at the Gomez. More info
The Gomez, 95603