" San Fransisco Series 2"
Multiple dates and times
Online, Zoom
The new six week online series starts Wednesday Evening 4th December or Thursday Lunchtime 5th December.
After 3 classes we will have a 3 week break for the holidays and then recommence on January 8th /9th.
The theme of the new 6 lesson series will be "San Fransisco 2 " (Selected San Fransisco evening classes series 2)
During the first International Professional Training programme , which took place in San Fransisco in the late 1970's , Moshe Feldenkrais and his assistant trainers taught regular public evening classes after the professional training days.
The lessons were designed to be accessible to the general public and are a great representation of Moshe's huge body of work.
These classic lessons are a great introduction to Feldenkrais but are also fascinating and transformational for more experienced students. We will include some theoretical background along the way .
The classes will be limited to 15 places in our live virtual classroom and a series of 6 lessons will be £39.00.
Zoom links will be sent prior to the events and you will be able to come to either Lunchtime or Evening classes if you can't make it to your booked class.
Classes will be recorded if you miss any of the series and the audio recordings will be available to access on our Awarenessworks Teachable platform, for up-to 1 month after the series, to all enrolled students.
Times of online classes: Wednesdays 6.30pm -7.30pm. Thursdays 12.30pm to 1.30pm via Zoom links.
Feldenkrais® group classes are known as Awareness Through Movement lessons. Similar to Tai Chi or gentle yoga, Awareness Through Movement classes use slow, mindful movements to achieve powerful effects in terms of strength, flexibility, and holistic integration of body and mind. Unique to the Feldenkrais Method® is that these lessons tie directly into functional movements of daily life, such as walking efficiently, safely lifting objects, and improving one’s posture in sitting or standing.
You can expect a class to last somewhere between 45 and 60 minutes. The teacher guides students through a sequence of movements, encouraging them to move with gentle attention within a comfortable range. You may become aware of unexpected and interesting connections within and between the movements. As you attend to the improving quality of movement, unnecessary muscular tensions throughout the body can reorganize and release. Students are often amazed at the quick and clear changes that occur through the neuromuscular re-patterning that happens in an Awareness Through Movement lesson!
- Move slowly and consciously so you can feel how you do it.
- Make small moves; the less the movement, the better the results will be.
- Repeat every move slowly and with full attention.
- Slowly you will learn to make a lot of new distinctions. Feel how your intention becomes action. Learning is the key to change.
- Don't stretch, force or try to pass your limits. Make the minimum effort while you move, you will really improve more quickly as you reduce your effort.
- "less is more" in this approach.
Learn to move more comfortably, reduce stress and develop a healthy curiosity about the ways in which you both think and move.
These classes are suitable for newcomers and more experienced students.