Eventing through the Expert's Eye with Caroline Peatfield
Fri 15 Mar 2024 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM GMT
The Lincolnshire Horse Trials, Lincolnshre Show Ground, Grange de Lings, Lincoln, LN2 2NA
Join us at the Lincolnshire Horse Trials - An established equine event held early in the season attracting national and international entrants.
Delivered by Caroline Peatfield, BHS Performance Coach; BE Level 3 Accredited Coach; BD Recognised Coach, and Pony Club Accredited Coach, this day will be of interest to all equestrians and everybody welcome.
Open to coaches, trainers, students and horse owner/riders, it is also suitable for Coaches who are preparing candidates for assessment as well as Coaches looking to further their work with groups and individual riders. The day counts as 6 CPD point for BHS APC's
The itinerary is planned to deliver an informative and interactive day with plenty of opportunity to discuss what we observe as a small group, therefore places are limited, so early booking is advised.
Section 1: 2 hours XC course walk, to include:
- looking at lines, options, approaches & ground.
- Review & discuss demands of the BE course & including, time, distance, fitness and the efforts.
Section 2: 2 hours Review tack and equipment.
- Observe and discuss rider warm-up in collecting ring.
- Show jump – use. Relate to performance in arena.
Lunch: Bring your own or buy on site .... to include a look at tack and equipment on stands.
Section 3: 2 hours Review BE requirements:
- Look at time, distance and fitness.
- Observe and discuss horse and rider fitness, at both start and finish;
- Observe tack & equipment in the collecting ring.
- Observe & discuss finish, stress, vet checks and cool down.
The itinerary is for guidance only and may be subject to change.
Tickets: £45 BHS APCs / £50 general admission (*includes gate entry)
At check out you will be asked to give your consent for your photographs and video footage to be used by The British Horse Society in printed, online or electronic publications, which may be shared publicly. Examples of these materials include, but are not limited to: posters, leaflets, brochures, adverts, emails, e-newsletters, blogs, web pages, social media posts, presentations, speeches, research or policy reports and press releases or other materials.
Cancellation Policy:
If the event is cancelled by the organiser, then full refunds will be issued. Tickets cancelled by the attendee will be refunded providing they can be resold.
Any ticket holders testing positive for coronavirus or displaying coronavirus symptoms themselves, or who have to self-isolate due to proximity to someone either displaying symptoms or testing positive, must not attend the event under any circumstances. They will be refunded in full.
The Lincolnshire Horse Trials, Lincolnshre Show Ground, Grange de Lings, Lincoln, LN2 2NA