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So... Who are we?
You’ve heard of the Juice Breakfast Club, right? Ok, trust us when we say it used to be a big deal on the Brighton networking scene. Then there was The Global Business Breakfast Club (oh come on, you’ve definitely heard of that one) – that was pretty great too and did the same job.
But now… (drum roll please) from the people that brought you the Juice Breakfast Club and The Global Business Breakfast (well, all the good ones, anyway), we give you… The Big Business Breakfast Club!
It’s the same deal but run completely by Sussex business people, for Sussex business people, with the aim of er… doing more business in Sussex. Yep, it does what it says on the tin. We meet on the third Friday of every month, so get yourself involved. It’s a relaxed, informal networking opportunity for like-minded business people. Informative speakers – yes. Pitches and selling – no, no, no. The meeting is top and tailed with small breakout rooms, so you can really get around and meet people, like you would in real life.
Just good, honest fun, all supporting carefully selected Sussex based charities. Come along and see what all the fuss is about.
The third Friday of every month. See you there.