Birmingham Sangha Retreat 2024: Mandala of Awakening
Fri 26 Jul 2024 4:00 PM - Fri 2 Aug 2024 11:00 AM BST
Adhisthana, HR8 1JL
!! FINAL PLACES: please contact if you'd like to come. Deposit booking now closed !!
Birmingham Sangha Retreat 2024
Mandala of Awakening
With Abhayadhara, Maitrisara and friends
26th July - 2 August 2024
Adhisthana, near Malvern
Open to anyone who's completed an Introductory course at the Centre
About the theme:
The journey to Awakening can be depicted as a mandala - a sacred circle. This mandala gives us an overview of the different areas of spiritual practice we are traversing.
We will spend the retreat looking at the different aspects in turn: integration, positive emotion, spiritual death or insight, spiritual rebirth and receptivity. These five elements combine together to form a complete system of practice distinctive to the Triratna tradition. They can be approached sequentially or simultaneously.
There will be meditation, creative workshops, ritual, discussion groups and presentations.
About the retreat in general:
The retreat will be held at Adhisthana which is Triratna’s international home base. Adhisthana has a great deal of mythic significance for our Movement and is a wonderful place for a retreat.
Being on retreat is a wonderful way to deepen our practice and strengthen the relationships within the sangha and we’d love you to join us. For more details, talk to a member of the Centre team.
Cost for the week, accommodation and food included:
£340 Full Rate
£225 Concessions
The price above includes a non-refundable, non-transferable £50 deposit, which confirms your booking. We will be in touch with you nearer the time to collect the remaining balance.
*** If you are unable to come on retreat without a single room due to a medical or mental health need, please contact before booking online, to check availability ***
Adhisthana, HR8 1JL