Higher Education Online Open Evening - Black Mountains College
Wed 14 Aug 2024 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM BST
Online, Zoom
Join us for a virtual Open Evening on Wednesday 14th August to learn more about our degree programme: BA (Hons) Sustainable Futures: Arts, Ecology and Systems Change!
Maybe you are interested in our course but haven’t had a chance to attend our in-person Discovery Days yet, or maybe you have only recently discovered us and want to apply through clearing.. well, this event is for you!
Whether you are finishing a school or college qualification or have been out of education for some time but want to return, this degree is designed to help you to gain new skills and explore your own urgent questions. Our Degree is multidisciplinary and features the latest climate science, neuroscience, environmental history and critical thinking.
Join us remotely to meet our team and hear more about our degree and find out whether BMC is the place for you. We will support you in applying through clearing, ready for a September 2024 start!
Event Details
Date: Wednesday 14th August
Time: 7pm – 8.30pm
Location: Online Webinar via Zoom
What’s involved?
- Talks from a variety of Lecturers about the course modules and content
- Discussions about the pathways you can choose to customise the Degree to your preference
- Course structure and time commitments
- Individual research projects, work experience, and our wide range of partners
- Career opportunities available after graduation
- Learn why organisations might hire a BMC graduate
- Our Cardiff Metropolitan University partnership
- Accommodation options
- Student support availability
- Student finance help and advice
- What student life might look like whilst studying with us at BMC
- Application support and guidance
- How to apply via clearing
- Honest talks from some of our current students on their time at BMC
- Q&A sessions
Who will be there?
The Open Evening will be hosted and led by a variety of our Higher Education staff members including:
Andre Pusey
The Programme Lead for our Degree
Natalia Eernstman
Creative Practice Lead, and Lecturer on our Degree for the Creative Practice modules
Rachel Sweetman
Degree Course Coordinator and Key Lecturer
BMC Student
We aim to have at least one current or past student at each of our events to offer another perspective, from someone who has actually studied with us!
And more!
Download our prospectus to read more yourself here