Beekeeping 101 Workshop
Sun May 5, 2024 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Against The Grain, 28698
Join Blue Ridge Women in Agriculture and Anthea Van Geloven at Against The Grain Farm learn the basics of Beekeeping!
Learn all the basics and how to begin your beekeeping journey at our Introduction to Beekeeping Workshop. Join us for a hands-on experience where you'll learn all about the honey bees and how to tend to them. Led by seasoned beekeeping expert and farm manager of Against The Grain, Anthea Van Geloven. This workshop offers a hands-on educational experience, allowing you to learn firsthand the intricate workings of a hive. Learn about the fascinating biology and behavior of these essential pollinators while gaining practical knowledge on equipment, hive management, and the role of a beekeeper in the life of a honeybee colony. Perfect for beginners or those who are just entering the world of beekeeping, this workshop will equip you with the knowledge and skills to get started with your own.
What to expect: This is an outdoor, hands on workshop! Bring a water bottle and any snacks you might want. Please come dressed for the weather, and prepare to be around bees! If you have an allergy, please be aware that there WILL be live bees and an active demonstration, if you do decide to come, be sure to bring an epipen!
Address: The address is 619 Camp Joy Rd, Zionville, NC 28698. The workshop will be held at Against the Grain Farm in Zionville, North Carolina.
About the instructor, Anthea Van Geloven: Anthea van Geloven is a lover of the honeybees and has been deeply working with them for 6 years. She spent 4 years working as the farm manager at Spikenard Honeybee Sanctuary and bases the foundation of her beekeeping methods on the practices taught there. Currently, she is the farm manager at Against the Grain Farm where she manages the 3 acre intensive vegetable production in Boone North Carolina. She manages the bees at the farm and has a handful of beehives herself in addition to helping community members with their own beekeeping projects. Her philosophy is that if we understand the life of the honeybee, it’s anatomy, biology, history and social structure, then, combined with our own careful observation, we can enter into deep relationship with these beautiful insects and successfully partner with them as beekeepers.
About Blue Ridge Women in Agriculture: Blue Ridge Women in Agriculture helps build an equitable, sustainable High Country local food system by supporting producers and cultivating community connections that educate, inspire, and increase the demand for local food. This workshop is part of BRWIA's 2024 CRAFT Summer Workshop Series. Blue Ridge Collaborative Regional Alliance for Farmer Training (CRAFT) cultivates meaningful mentor relationships between aspiring and experienced farmers. We believe that the educational and professional development of tomorrow’s growers and producers informs the health of our diverse local-food system and rural economy. Check out our other workshops and events for producers at
Against The Grain, 28698